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SHOCKING Revelation: China’s ChatGPT underworld UNLEASHED! Opportunists and Scammers OUTSMART the System | You Won’t Believe WHAT They’re Up To WITH CABLE!

Unlocking Opportunities: How AI Chatbots are Revolutionizing Work in China

In China, the competition for jobs is fierce, with a saturated labor market and limited prospects for recent college graduates. However, new opportunities are emerging with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots. These intelligent programs, such as ChatGPT, are transforming various industries and providing individuals with a way to earn income. Despite some limitations, Chinese users are finding innovative ways to leverage AI chatbots to their advantage in areas like essay writing, content creation, and even book publishing.

1. The State of Job Market in China:
– Graduates face intense competition for jobs in China, with limited positions available.
– Salary standards have declined, and long working hours have become commonplace.

2. The Emergence of AI Chatbots:
– ChatGPT, a generative AI chatbot developed by the US tech company OpenAI, has garnered significant interest in China.
– Chinese users have recognized the potential of ChatGPT for various tasks, including essay writing, content creation, and more.

3. The Essay Writing Business in China:
– There is a thriving essay writing industry in China, where brokers on platforms like Taobao connect writers with students seeking academic assistance.
– An anonymous user named David saw an opportunity to utilize ChatGPT for essay writing, resulting in his successful integration into the business.

4. Using ChatGPT for Essay Writing:
– David follows a structured approach, generating an outline with ChatGPT and then refining the content for each bullet point.
– He avoids plagiarism by asking open-ended questions and requests the chatbot to elaborate and provide examples.
– While the resulting articles may not be perfect, they are sufficient to fulfill the requirements and earn money.

5. The Content Creation Boom:
– ChatGPT’s availability in China is limited, but the interest in its potential is immense.
– Online education services like Youdao have recognized the value of ChatGPT and offer courses to enhance users’ proficiency.
– On platforms like Zhihu, Chinese users are seeking ways to leverage ChatGPT for monetary gain through content creation.

6. From Bland to Eye-Catching: Content Enhancement:
– Yin Yin, a content creation assistant, uses ChatGPT to improve product descriptions for a Taobao shop.
– By extracting popular product descriptions and adding ChatGPT’s suggestions, Yin Yin enhances the content’s appeal, earning a monthly income from the shop owner.

7. Going Beyond: Writing a Book with AI:
– Shirley, also known as Guyuetu, publishes an entire book on the correlation between blood type and personality, written with the assistance of ChatGPT.
– Shirley uses ChatGPT to create an outline for each chapter and even requests rewrites to align the tone with her intended style.
– Within two days, Shirley completes her book, “The Little Book of Blood Type Personality: The Japanese Way of Understanding People,” and publishes it on Kindle.

AI chatbots, particularly ChatGPT, are opening up new avenues for work and income generation in China. Despite limitations in accessibility, Chinese users have found creative ways to incorporate these chatbots into their businesses and projects. From essay writing to content creation and book publishing, individuals are leveraging the power of AI to enhance their productivity and earning potential. As AI continues to evolve, the possibilities for professional growth and employment opportunities in China are expanding.

The article explores the emergence of AI chatbots, particularly ChatGPT, and their impact on work in China. It highlights the fierce competition in the job market, the declining salary standards, and the long working hours that recent college graduates experience. However, with the introduction of ChatGPT, Chinese users have found innovative ways to utilize this chatbot for various tasks. The essay writing business has benefited from the assistance of ChatGPT, allowing individuals like David to generate income by writing articles for students. Content creation has also witnessed a boom, with individuals leveraging ChatGPT to enhance product descriptions and attract customers. Furthermore, the author sheds light on Shirley’s achievement of publishing an entire book written with AI, showcasing the versatility and potential of ChatGPT. Overall, AI chatbots are revolutionizing work in China and offering new opportunities for individuals to prosper professionally and financially.


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Competition for jobs It’s fierce in China right now. After graduating from college with a business major earlier this year, David struggled to find work. There were too many applicants for each position and, he says, “even if you do find a job, the pay is not as good as in years past and you have to work long hours.”

After David, who requested anonymity to speak freely about his business, saw some videos on Weibo and WeChat about ChatGPT, the generative artificial intelligence chatbot launched to much fanfare late last year by the US tech company. open AI, He had an idea. There is a thriving essay writing business in China, with students asking for tutors and experts to help them with their homework. Brokers operating on the Taobao e-commerce platform hire writers, whose services they sell to students. What if, David thought, he could use ChatGPT to write essays? He approached one of the sellers on Taobao. He quickly landed his first job, writing an article for a student majoring in education. He didn’t tell anyone that he was using a chatbot.

“First you ask ChatGPT to generate an outline with a few bullets, and then you ask ChatGPT to present content for each bullet,” says David. To avoid obvious plagiarism, he tried not to include existing articles or documents and instead asked the chatbot open-ended questions. He chose longer sentences and asked ChatGPT to elaborate and give examples. Then he read the article and cleaned up any grammatical errors. The result was not the smoothest and there were some logical spaces between paragraphs, but it was enough to complete the task. He sent it in and won $10. His second job was to write an article on economics. He reviewed the requirements, selected some important terms like “dichotomy” and asked ChatGPT to explain these terms in an easily understandable way and give examples. He made about $40.

ChatGPT is not officially accessible to Chinese users. Emails with Chinese domains, such as QQ or 163, cannot be used to sign up for the service. However, there is enormous interest in the potential of the system. Youdao, a popular online education service operated by tech giant NetEase, recently launched an online course: “ChatGPT, From Startup to Proficiency,” promising to “increase your work efficiency 10 times with the help of ChatGPT and Python”. On Zhihu, China quora, a forum website where questions are created and answered, users ask “how to make the first pot of gold using ChatGPT”; “how to make RMB1,000 using ChatGPT”; “How can ordinary people make money using ChatGPT?” The answer, which ChatGPT told me when I asked how to earn $100, is content. Lots of content.

Yin Yin, a young woman who has worked for some social media influencers as a content creation assistant, came across ChatGPT after seeing a viral YouTube video. In April, she found a Taobao shop selling home decor using traditional Yunnan tie-dye techniques. She reached out to the owner and offered to help him improve his design and do some social media promotion. The store’s product descriptions were bland and lacking in detail, she says. She tracked down the most popular home furnishing items on Taobao, extracted their product descriptions, and sent them to ChatGPT for reference. To make the content even more eye-catching, she asked ChatGPT to specifically emphasize some features of the product and add some emojis to make it more appealing to the younger generation. Now the owner of the Taobao shop pays him monthly.

Others are using AI for much more than product descriptions. One user, Shirley, who also asked to be identified using only her first name because she writes under a pseudonym, Guyuetu, on the fashion and lifestyle sharing platform Little Red Book (xiaohongshu), published an entire book written with AI. He settled on the subject: the correlation between blood type and personality (a relatively common pseudoscientific belief in Japan and Korea). He asked ChatGPT to “create an outline for a book on Japanese blood type and personality,” then used it to generate an outline for each chapter, and then to generate different sections for each chapter. “If you don’t like what’s written, you can always ask ChatGPT to rewrite it, such as rewriting a paragraph using a funnier, more upbeat tone,” he says. In two days, he finished the book “The Little Book of Blood Type Personality: The Japanese Way of Understanding People,” with a cover and illustrations created by Midjourney, a service that creates images from text messages. She published the book on Kindle.