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Shocking Revelation: CVM President Unveils Startling ‘Award-Winning Collaboration’ of Fraudsters Across the Nation! You Won’t Believe Who’s Involved! (AMER3)

An Encouragement of Self-Reporting in the Americanas Fraud Scandal

SAO PAULO (Reuters) – The president of the Securities and Exchange Commission, João Pedro Barroso do Nascimento, used his testimony before the Parliamentary Investigation Commission (CPI) investigating the case of Americanas (AMER3) to encourage self-reporting by those involved in the retailer fraud scheme.

“I would like to encourage them to collaborate with the CVM, because the gentlemen and ladies will surely be identified,” said Nascimento. “Carrying out self-reports, contributing with award-winning collaborations, in the certainty that this behavior will be viewed favorably by the municipality.”

During the CPI hearing in the Chamber of Deputies, the president of the securities regulatory body also called attention to the “opportune moment” for the awarded collaborations to take place before the start of the judgment of the processes.

“It is the moment in which the ladies and gentlemen can, confidentially and in writing, deliver the information of which they are aware.”

The president of Americanas, Leonardo Coelho, presented last week at a hearing at the CPI a series of statements and internal documents that, according to him, support the commission of results fraud by the company’s former board of directors.

Exploring the Importance of Self-Reporting in Corporate Fraud Cases

Corporate fraud has been a persistent issue in the business world, often leading to severe consequences for companies involved and their stakeholders. In the case of Americanas, allegations of results fraud by the former board of directors have brought the retailer under the scrutiny of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the Parliamentary Investigation Commission (CPI).

Recognizing the Role of Self-Reporting

João Pedro Barroso do Nascimento, the president of CVM, emphasized the importance of self-reporting in such cases during his testimony before the CPI. Encouraging individuals involved in the fraud scheme to come forward and collaborate with the regulatory body can have significant benefits for both the individuals and the society. By self-reporting, those involved have an opportunity to mitigate the legal consequences they may face, while also contributing to the establishment of a fair and transparent business environment.

The Rewards of Self-Reporting

Nascimento highlighted that self-reporting and award-winning collaborations, where individuals provide valuable information, will be viewed favorably by the municipality. This suggests that those who come forward with relevant information may be eligible for reduced penalties or even immunity from prosecution. This incentive is crucial in encouraging individuals to choose self-reporting over remaining silent or continuing their involvement in fraudulent activities.

The Opportune Moment for Collaboration

The president of CVM also stressed the importance of the timing of these collaborations. Nascimento referred to the period before the start of judgment processes as an “opportune moment” for individuals to confidentially deliver the information they possess. This timing allows for a thorough investigation and facilitates the gathering of evidence that can effectively uncover the extent of fraudulent activities and identify all those involved.

The Impact of Americanas’ President’s Testimony

Leonardo Coelho, the president of Americanas, presented statements and internal documents supporting the allegations of results fraud by the former board of directors. This testimony signifies the determination of the company’s leadership to address the wrongdoing and restore trust among their stakeholders.

The president’s testimony also reflects a broader trend in corporate culture, wherein leaders are becoming more willing to acknowledge and address fraudulent practices. This shift towards transparency and accountability is essential in rebuilding investor confidence and strengthening corporate governance.


The president of the Securities and Exchange Commission, João Pedro Barroso do Nascimento, urged individuals involved in the Americanas fraud scheme to engage in self-reporting and collaboration with the regulatory body. Nascimento emphasized that self-reporting would be viewed favorably and encouraged individuals to come forward before the start of judgment processes. The president of Americanas, Leonardo Coelho, has already presented supporting evidence of results fraud, highlighting the company’s commitment to addressing the wrongdoing. This call for self-reporting and collaboration reflects a broader shift in corporate culture towards accountability and transparency.


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SAO PAULO (Reuters) – The president of the Securities and Exchange Commission, João Pedro Barroso do Nascimento, used his testimony before the Parliamentary Investigation Commission (CPI) investigating the case of Americanas (AMER3) to encourage self-reporting by those involved in the retailer fraud scheme.

“I would like to encourage them to collaborate with the CVM, because the gentlemen and ladies will surely be identified,” said Nascimento. “Carrying out self-reports, contributing with award-winning collaborations, in the certainty that this behavior will be viewed favorably by the municipality.”

During the CPI hearing in the Chamber of Deputies, the president of the securities regulatory body also called attention to the “opportune moment” for the awarded collaborations to take place before the start of the judgment of the processes.

“It is the moment in which the ladies and gentlemen can, confidentially and in writing, deliver the information of which they are aware.”

The president of Americanas, Leonardo Coelho, presented last week at a hearing at the CPI a series of statements and internal documents that, according to him, support the commission of results fraud by the company’s former board of directors.

Presidente da CVM encoraja “colaboração premiada” de envolvidos em fraude da Americanas (AMER3)
