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Top Expert Reveals Shocking Truth About Stroke Risk in Black Americans! Find out the Answers Now!

The Impact of Race on Stroke Risk and Outcomes

The Impact of Race on Stroke Risk and Outcomes

Racial Disparities in Stroke Risk and Outcomes

Black people in the United States face a significantly higher risk of stroke compared to other racial groups, with worse outcomes. The odds of dying from a stroke are 3 to 4 times higher for black Americans than for white Americans. Social factors play a crucial role in determining a person’s likelihood of having a stroke.

Dr. Eseosa Ighodaro, a stroke fellow at Emory University/Grady Hospital, is at the forefront of advocating for initiatives to address racial disparities in neurological health, particularly stroke outcomes. She founded Ziengbe, a nonprofit organization aimed at ending neurological health disparities in the Black community through education and empowerment.

Here, Dr. Ighodaro provides valuable insights on stroke risk in black Americans, including common symptoms, actions to take when experiencing symptoms, and strategies to reduce stroke risk.

Recognizing Stroke Symptoms

It is essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms of a stroke. Remembering the acronym FAST can help:

  • F – Face drooping
  • A – Arm weakness
  • S – Speech difficulties
  • T – Time to call emergency services

Other signs of a stroke may include numbness and vision loss. Immediate action is crucial if any of these symptoms are present. Seeking prompt medical attention is vital for better outcomes.

Addressing Modifiable Risk Factors

When it comes to stroke risk factors, there are modifiable and non-modifiable factors to consider. Non-modifiable factors include age, sex, race, and family history of stroke. Modifiable factors such as diet, physical activity, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, and high cholesterol play a significant role.

African Americans often have a higher prevalence of modifiable risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Dr. Ighodaro emphasizes the importance of addressing these factors through appropriate medications, lifestyle interventions, and dietary changes to prevent strokes or reduce the risk of subsequent strokes.

Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health, including socioeconomic status, education level, access to healthcare, and living conditions, also influence stroke risk and outcomes. Disparities in access to advanced stroke care can impact patient outcomes significantly.

Studies have shown that individuals with multiple social determinants of health risk factors are more likely to experience strokes. Factors like redlining, a discriminatory housing policy, can contribute to increased stroke risk, highlighting the broader societal impact on health disparities.

Exploring the Impact of Racism and Stress on Stroke Risk

Racial disparities in stroke outcomes are not solely attributed to medical or lifestyle factors but also to the chronic stress experienced by Black individuals due to racism and discrimination. The concept of allostatic load, the cumulative effect of stress on the body, plays a role in health outcomes.

Research suggests that stressors related to racism can explain some of the racial disparities in stroke outcomes. Understanding the impact of these stressors on health is crucial for developing comprehensive strategies to address stroke risk in marginalized communities.

To sum up, the impact of race on stroke risk and outcomes is a complex and multifaceted issue. Black Americans face a higher risk of stroke and worse outcomes compared to other racial groups, with social determinants of health playing a significant role. Recognizing stroke symptoms, addressing modifiable risk factors, and understanding the broader societal influences on health disparities are crucial steps in reducing stroke risk in marginalized communities. By delving deeper into the unique challenges faced by Black individuals, healthcare providers and policymakers can work towards equitable stroke prevention and treatment strategies. The recognition of racism and stress as contributing factors to stroke risk highlights the importance of a holistic approach to healthcare that addresses both medical and social determinants of health.


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Black people in the United States are more likely to have a stroke than white, Hispanic, Native American or Asian people, and with worse outcomes. The odds of dying from a stroke are 3 to 4 times higher for black Americans than for white Americans.

Many things affect a person's chances of having a stroke, including social factors. Eseosa Ighodaro, MD, PhD, is a stroke fellow at Emory University/Grady Hospital in Atlanta and advocates for initiatives that address racial disparities in neurological health, particularly stroke outcomes. She founded Ziengbe, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to end neurological health disparities facing the Black community through education and empowerment.

Here, Ighodaro answers questions about stroke risk in black Americans, including symptoms everyone should know about, what to do if those symptoms appear, and how to reduce stroke risk.

It is essential to know what the signs and symptoms of stroke are. Remember the acronym FAST, which stands for

  • Ffallen ace
  • TOrm weakness
  • Yesdifficulty speaking
  • tI

Other signs of stroke may include numbness and vision loss. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, time is of the essence. Don't wait: go immediately to the nearest emergency room.

And once you get there, be prepared to defend yourself or your loved one. He says these words: “I'm worried I'm having a stroke.”

Black patients experience more delays in diagnosis and treatment once [they’re] in a hospital with stroke symptoms, contributing to worse outcomes. We also know that black people are significantly less likely to receive standard stroke treatments, including the clot-busting drug tPA and mechanical thrombectomy, a technique to remove blood clots from the brain.

These interventions are urgent. We can only administer anticoagulant medications within 4.5 hours. [after symptoms start]and we can only perform mechanical thrombectomy within 24 hours.

So if you have facial drooping or numbness and weakness on one side of your body, don't wait at home thinking it will go away.

The reasons are multifaceted. When we talk about stroke risk factors, there are two main categories: those we can modify and those we cannot. Non-modifiable risk factors include our age, sex at birth, race/ethnicity, and family history of stroke. Risk factors that we can modify include poor diet, physical inactivity, being overweight, diabetes, hypertension, smoking and high cholesterol.

We know that African Americans in general have a higher burden of these modifiable risk factors. More than half of black adults have high blood pressure, black Americans are more likely to have diabetes than whites, and nearly 25% of blacks have high levels of LDL cholesterol, the “bad” type of cholesterol.

So when I see a patient in my stroke clinic, my primary focus is on these modifiable risk factors so that we can prevent a first stroke or reduce the risk of a second stroke. That means giving that person the right medications and interventions, such as blood pressure medications, smoking cessation programs, and connecting people with diabetes with a primary care provider or endocrinologist to ensure it is under control. We know that the Mediterranean diet has been shown to improve stroke outcomes, so I typically also connect these patients with a dietitian to help them make sustainable changes to their eating habits.

But that's not the full picture. Studies have shown that even once we control for these modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors, we still see significant racial disparities in stroke outcomes, likely caused by other social determinants of health.

Social determinants of health are variables that are not medical but still play a role in our health. They include things like [social and economic] status, educational level, language barriers, food and housing insecurity, access to safe and healthy spaces for physical exercise and, of course, access to medical care, hospitals and pharmacies. In the United States, some states have only one advanced comprehensive stroke center, while others may have 15. People who live in a state with only one comprehensive stroke center, which may be 150 or 200 miles away, They will not have the same access to advanced stroke care as someone living here in Atlanta.

All of these factors can affect stroke risk and outcomes for people who have had a stroke. For example, data from a major study on stroke disparities, Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke, or REGARDS, have shown that people with three or more social determinants of health risk factors had almost two and a half times more likely to have a stroke, compared to people who had no such risk factors.

And a study published in 2023 found that “redlining” (the historical practice of discriminatory housing policy that affects Black communities to this day) is associated with an increased risk of stroke, above other social determinants. Of the health.

This is something we are still trying to measure and quantify: How does simply being a Black individual in America and the stress that comes with everyday experiences of racism and microaggressions throughout life negatively affect the body, including the risk of stroke? ?

We know that “allostatic load” (the wear and tear on the body that accumulates when a person is exposed to chronic stress) contributes to worse health outcomes. And a study published in 2022 found that allostatic load predicted mental function scores among black stroke patients, but not among white or Hispanic patients, suggesting that these stressors may explain some of the racial disparities in stroke outcomes. We need to understand this better.
