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U.S. has room to improve when it comes to women’s health

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No matter where you fall on political ideologies, we can all agree the idea of health for women in the U.S. is way behind other cultures.

There’s no better way to see the disparity than to experience it yourself.

FOX 17’s Women’s Health Expert, Dr. Bitner, and I had similar experiences while on vacations in Europe years apart. People there can’t understand not being fit enough to walk everywhere— over mountains, through cities, up and down the lanes— it’s ingrained in every facet of life there.

By the numbers, the whole continent is healthier with fewer cases of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease than the U.S.

I could go on and on about the history and impact of our respective infrastructures— but there’s nothing we can do about that now, and we need to focus on action.

European diets don’t contain nearly the amount of preservatives, additives, and other hallmarks of processed foods found in American meals; this plus the amount (Lack?) of physical
activity most of us get are all things we have power over.

How is this specific to women?

My diatribe on that answer would be an absolute unit of an article— suffice it to say women are targeted far more than men when it comes to unhealthy diet fads and body expectations, and sustainable health isn’t in the best interest of companies selling the ‘get healthy’ products we’re inundated with daily.

FOX 17 Women’s Health Tip of the Week
Learn how to get yourself healthy and sow these habits into the next generation. Unhealthy lifestyles are a cycle we get stuck in long before we realize it exists, and the only way to break it is to be intentional.

Healthy Habits How-To
Meal prep— Start with one day, then increase as you can
Get moving every day— Focus on building muscle as you age to keep your metabolism up
Keep healthy foods within easy reach— We eat what we see. Hide your sweets, hide your snacks
Increase veggies and lean proteins— More energy can be yours with this tip
Drink more water— 0.5oz for every pound you carry is what doctors recommend
Act locally— If we want healthier lifestyles, it’s time to start requiring healthier products of our retailers.

Remember— kids whose parents and relatives are physically active and eat healthy diets have double the chance of being healthy later in life. Whether you get yourself healthy or not, you can have an exponential impact on the future starting right now.


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