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Why Playing with Grandkids is Good for Grandparents’ Health and Relationships

Playing with grandchildren is not only a fun and joyful activity but also has numerous health benefits for grandparents. Research suggests that grandparents who engage in regular physical play with their grandkids stay active and healthy longer, leading to a longer lifespan. Moreover, playing with grandchildren fosters a stronger emotional bond between generations and enriches the overall quality of life. In this article, we will explore the benefits of physical play between grandparents and grandchildren, the role of grandparents in shaping attitudes towards physical activity in the family, ongoing research on grandparent health, and initiatives aimed at promoting physical activity between generations.

The Importance of Physical Play:
1. Staying Active and Healthy: Routine activities such as lifting, carrying, and following younger children around all day can be physically demanding and serve as an effective workout for grandparents. Engaging in physical play helps grandparents maintain an active lifestyle, preventing age-related health issues and promoting overall well-being.

2. Enhancing Relationships: Physical play between grandparents and grandchildren offers a unique opportunity for them to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other. Through one-on-one play, they can establish a stronger bond and create lasting memories together. This social interaction also stimulates mental faculties and provides a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

3. Family Culture of Physical Activity: A study conducted by the University of Glasgow found that grandparents contribute significantly to a family culture of physical activity. By recognizing physical play as an essential part of childcare, grandparents motivate themselves to stay active and inspire younger generations to lead active lifestyles as well. This intergenerational connection plays a vital role in shaping attitudes towards physical activity within the family.

Ongoing Research and Initiatives:
1. The Healthy Grandparenting Project: Researchers at Vrije Universiteit Brussel are conducting a project that aims to explore the role of physical activity in grandparent health. The study compares caregiving grandparents, non-caregiving grandparents, and non-grandparents to determine the impact of physical play on grandparent well-being.

2. The Grandpact Project: Ghent University in Belgium has developed an intergenerational initiative called the Grandpact Project. This program promotes physical activity between grandparents and grandchildren and focuses on improving both physical and cognitive function in grandparents. Additionally, it aims to enhance the quality of the grandchild-grandparent relationship.

The Benefits of Being a Caregiving Grandparent:
1. Improved Physical Health: A study suggests that grandparents, particularly grandmothers, gain health benefits even without being physically active. Grandmothers who provide child care have significantly higher physical health scores compared to those who do not provide care. This indicates that simply being involved in the lives of grandchildren can have positive effects on grandparents’ well-being.

2. Emotional Bond and Quality of Life: Playing with grandchildren not only benefits the physical health of grandparents but also strengthens the emotional bond between generations. The joy and laughter shared during playtime create a positive and nurturing environment, contributing to the overall quality of life for both grandparents and grandchildren.

Playing with grandchildren is not just a leisure activity; it is an investment in both physical health and enriching relationships. Grandparents who engage in physical play stay active longer and lead healthier lives. Furthermore, the bond created through playtime fosters a sense of love, understanding, and appreciation between grandparents and grandchildren. Ongoing research and initiatives highlight the importance of physical activity in grandparent health and the positive impact it has on intergenerational connections. So, grandparents, go ahead and play with your grandkids – it’s good for everyone involved.

Additional Piece – Why Grandparents’ Involvement Matters:

Grandparents play a vital role in the lives of their grandchildren, providing love, support, and guidance. Their involvement goes far beyond occasional visits or holidays; it has a significant impact on the well-being and development of the grandchildren. In this additional piece, we will delve deeper into why grandparents’ involvement matters and how it contributes to the overall growth and happiness of the younger generation.

1. Wisdom and Experience:
Grandparents bring a wealth of wisdom and life experience to their role as caregivers. They can offer unique perspectives and provide valuable guidance to their grandchildren. Their stories and experiences serve as life lessons, helping the younger generation navigate the challenges they may face.

2. Emotional Support:
Having a strong support system is crucial for children’s emotional development. Grandparents provide a safe and secure environment where grandchildren can express themselves freely. They offer unconditional love and acceptance, fostering a sense of belonging and emotional well-being.

3. Passing Down Family Values and Traditions:
Grandparents play a vital role in passing down family values, traditions, and cultural heritage. They ensure that important customs and rituals are preserved, helping children develop a sense of identity and belonging. Through shared experiences and stories, grandparents teach grandchildren about their family history and the importance of their roots.

4. Mentoring and Role Modeling:
Grandparents often serve as mentors to their grandchildren, guiding them through various aspects of life. They inspire and motivate younger generations to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and make responsible decisions. Grandparents’ guidance and positive role modeling shape the character and values of their grandchildren.

5. Support System for Parents:
Parenting can be demanding, and grandparents’ involvement provides much-needed support to parents. Grandparents can offer respite care, giving parents a break and reducing their stress levels. This support system allows parents to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Grandparents’ involvement is crucial for the overall well-being and development of their grandchildren. They bring wisdom, emotional support, and a sense of identity to their role as caregivers. By passing down family values, traditions, and cultural heritage, grandparents ensure that future generations stay rooted in their history. They serve as mentors, guiding their grandchildren towards a bright and fulfilling future. Additionally, grandparents’ involvement provides essential support to parents, creating a nurturing environment for the entire family. So, cherish the bond with your grandparents and celebrate the invaluable role they play in your life.

Playing with grandchildren has numerous health benefits for grandparents, including staying active and healthy longer. Physical play also strengthens the emotional bond between generations and enhances the overall quality of life. Research shows that grandparents contribute to a family culture of physical activity, shaping attitudes towards exercise. Ongoing projects like the Healthy Grandparenting Project and the Grandpact Project aim to explore the role of physical activity in grandparent health and relationship quality. Furthermore, being a caregiving grandparent has positive effects on physical health and improves emotional well-being. Grandparents’ involvement matters as it provides wisdom, emotional support, and passes down family values. They serve as mentors and role models, contributing to the overall growth and happiness of their grandchildren. Grandparents also offer crucial support to parents, creating a nurturing environment for the entire family. Overall, playing with grandchildren and being involved in their lives is beneficial for both physical health and relationship building.


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My 4-year-old granddaughter, Lucia, and I are once again getting athletic together. One minute we’re kicking around a soccer ball, the next we’re shooting miniature basketballs. Later, with me holding her hand, she’ll teeter-totter atop a foot-high stone wall along our driveway. Tomorrow, we’ll probably have a pillow fight and chase each other around the backyard. Meantime, I’m ready for a beer.

Helping to raise your grandchildren is a workout, and routine tasks such as lifting, carrying, and following younger children around all day or night can be pretty strenuous. But research suggests that grandparents who play regularly with grandkids stay active and healthy longer and live longer.

Getting physical also promotes advantages well beyond the merely physical. Through one-on-one physical play together, grandparents and grandchildren can get to better know, understand, and appreciate each other. It’s inherently social, mentally stimulating, lends your life an extra sense of purpose and meaning, and can establish a wholesome lifetime relationship.

These findings are fortuitous. Grandparents today can expect to live longer than previous generations, and they may have more time available to play than parents.

Physical play between grandparents and grandchildren remains little researched, but a University of Glasgow study showed how grandparents “contribute to a family culture of physical activity.” The grandparents came to recognize physical play as a key element in the role of looking after grandchildren. Such play built connections between generations and motivated grandparents all the more to stay active.

“Grandparents often play a key role in shaping attitudes toward physical activity in family cultures,” says Michael Rogers, a professor of human performance studies at Wichita State University.

Researchers at Vrije Universiteit Brussel have undertaken the Healthy Grandparenting Project. More than half of those grandparents (53%) look after grandchildren, averaging 13 hours of child care in a typical week. The study will compare caregiving grandparents, non-caregiving grandparents, and non-grandparents to determine the role physical activity plays in grandparent health.

Ghent University in Belgium has developed an intergenerational initiative called the Grandpact Project to promote physical activity between grandparents and grandchildren. The program is expected to improve physical and cognitive function in grandparents and enhance the quality of the grandchild-grandparent relationship.

On the flip side, one study suggests that grandparents, particularly grandmothers, gain health benefits merely from showing up to take care of grandchildren, even without being physically active. Grandmothers who provided child care had “significantly higher physical health scores” than those who provided none.

Ultimately, playing with grandchildren not only benefits the physical health of grandparents, but it also strengthens the emotional bond between generations and enriches the overall quality of life. So, grandparents, go ahead and play with your grandkids – it’s good for everyone involved.

Playing With Grandchildren: The Key to an Active and Healthy Life
