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Unprecedented WHO Initiative Revolutionizes Global Health: Unleashing the Power of Civil Society Organizations!

The WHO Commission on Civil Society: Strengthening Collaboration for Universal Health Coverage


The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the WHO Commission on Civil Society, marking a milestone in its collaboration with civil society organizations (CSOs) to address health priorities and related issues more effectively. The inaugural meeting of the Commission’s Steering Committee took place in Geneva today, laying the foundation for structured and systematic advice and recommendations from civil society to the WHO.

Importance of Civil Society Organizations in Public Health

Civil society organizations have played a crucial role in bringing about change in public health. Their historical impact is well-known, and the WHO acknowledges their significance by working closely with them. However, the establishment of the WHO Commission on Civil Society takes this collaboration to a new level, providing a platform for enhanced engagement and dialogue.

Inaugural Meeting and Committee Members

The inaugural meeting of the Commission’s Steering Committee was opened by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. The committee consists of 22 diverse civil society organizations working in health and other sectors. The full membership of the Commission will be announced in the coming days, further expanding the representation and expertise within the group.

Listening and Responding is Essential

The WHO Commission on Civil Society aims to strengthen dialogue and foster collaboration with both the WHO and among civil society organizations themselves. By providing recommendations at global, regional, and national levels, the Commission will support the WHO in its commitment to achieving universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals.

“We know from our experience in many areas that listening to and responding to the voices of the communities we serve is essential to adequately addressing the health challenges they face,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. The Commission will serve as a platform to learn from civil society organizations and be guided by their ideas.

Role of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee of the Commission holds the responsibility of providing overall strategic direction and leading the development of its main deliverables. It also serves as a channel to convey advice and recommendations from civil society to the WHO’s senior leadership, fostering regular collaboration.

During the inaugural meeting, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus encouraged the Steering Committee to consult with all members of the Commission to set priorities based on their expertise. This includes guidance on developing a civil society engagement strategy and organizational priorities for the upcoming WHO three-year plan, which will guide the organization’s work from 2025-2028.

Joining the Commission

The WHO Commission on Civil Society has received applications from over 350 organizations to be part of the Commission. Today, the WHO will begin notifying the 120 organizations that have been accepted so far, with further notifications to be sent in the coming weeks. The list of participating organizations will be regularly updated on the WHO website.

The application process remains open, and organizations interested in joining the Commission are encouraged to apply. This collaboration presents a historic opportunity for closer ties between the WHO and civil society organizations committed to improving global health.

Context Information

Organizations that meet the criteria outlined in the Terms of Reference of the Civil Society Commission can apply to join the WHO Civil Society Commission. The application process can be accessed on the WHO website, with no deadline specified.

Expanding on the Topic

The establishment of the WHO Commission on Civil Society reflects the growing recognition of the invaluable contributions made by civil society organizations in promoting public health. By creating a dedicated platform for collaboration and dialogue, the WHO aims to improve the effectiveness of its efforts in achieving universal health coverage and addressing the health challenges faced by communities worldwide.

When civil society organizations work in partnership with international organizations like the WHO, their collective impact is amplified. The Commission provides an avenue for CSOs to channel their advice and recommendations in a more structured and systematic manner. This ensures that their expertise and perspectives are incorporated into the decision-making processes of the WHO, leading to better policies and interventions that respond to the needs of the communities being served.

Furthermore, the Commission’s focus on universal health coverage and its alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reinforces the shared commitment of civil society and the WHO to address health inequities and promote sustainable development. By harnessing the expertise and diverse backgrounds of CSOs, the Commission can contribute to the development of innovative approaches and strategies to achieve these goals.

Collaboration between the WHO and civil society organizations is not a new phenomenon. However, the establishment of the Commission signifies a deepening of this partnership and a recognition of the importance of meaningful engagement. By involving civil society organizations in the development of a WHO civil society engagement strategy, the Commission aims to ensure that the voices of CSOs are heard and that their contributions are valued throughout the decision-making processes of the WHO.

Civil society organizations play a crucial role in advocating for policy changes, mobilizing resources, and holding governments accountable for their commitments. As active participants in the Commission, CSOs can leverage their networks and expertise to drive meaningful change and influence policy decisions that address the underlying social determinants of health. This holistic approach, encompassing not just medical interventions but also social, economic, and environmental factors, is essential for achieving sustainable improvements in population health.

It is important to note that the Commission is not just a platform for CSOs to provide feedback and recommendations to the WHO. It is also an opportunity for the WHO to learn from the experiences and perspectives of civil society. By actively listening and responding to the voices of CSOs, the WHO can gain valuable insights into the realities on the ground, identify gaps in existing policies and interventions, and develop targeted solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of different populations.

The Commission’s emphasis on collaboration at all levels, from global to regional and national, ensures that the expertise and knowledge of CSOs are harnessed to their fullest potential. By working together, the WHO and civil society organizations can address health challenges more effectively, promote sustainable development, and ultimately improve the health and well-being of people around the world.


The WHO Commission on Civil Society has been launched by the World Health Organization to strengthen collaboration and engagement with civil society organizations. The inaugural meeting of the Commission’s Steering Committee took place in Geneva, establishing a platform for structured advice and recommendations from civil society to the WHO. The Commission aims to enhance dialogue, provide recommendations for achieving universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals, and respond to calls for more meaningful engagement with civil society. The Steering Committee will provide strategic direction and convey advice to the WHO’s senior leadership. Over 350 organizations have applied to join the Commission, with notifications being sent to accepted organizations in the coming weeks. The Commission presents a historic opportunity for closer collaboration between the WHO and civil society organizations committed to improving global health.


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WHO launched the WHO Commission on Civil Society and held the inaugural meeting of its Steering Committee in Geneva today. The Commission provides, for the first time, the ability to channel advice and recommendations in a more structured and systematic way from civil society to the WHO on health priorities and related issues. The historical role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in bringing about change in public health is well known. While WHO has a long tradition of working with civil society organizations, the establishment of the Commission takes collaboration to a new level.

Today’s meeting was opened by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, and brought together the members of the Steering Committee (composed of 22 various civil society organizations of the Commission, working in health and other sectors The full membership of the Commission itself will be announced in the coming days.

Listening and responding is essential

The Commission’s mandate is to strengthen dialogue and foster collaboration with WHO and with each other. It will also provide recommendations to support WHO in this commitment at all levels (global, regional and national) towards achieving universal health coverage (health for all) as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. The launch of the Commission is the Director-General’s response to calls from civil society to explore better and more meaningful ways to engage with WHO, beyond those that already exist.

“We know from our experience in many areas that listening to and responding to the voices of the communities we serve is essential to adequately addressing the health challenges they face,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “We have created the WHO Civil Society Commission to bring together civil society from different backgrounds to advise us and work with us so that we can learn from you and be guided by your ideas.”

Role of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will provide overall strategic direction for the entire Commission and will lead the development of its main deliverables. It will also convey advice and recommendations from civil society through regular collaboration with the Director-General and senior leadership of WHO.

During the meeting, the WHO Director-General encouraged the Steering Committee to consult with all members of the Commission and set priorities based on what they learn. He also called for guidance in developing a WHO civil society engagement strategy and on key organizational priorities such as the upcoming WHO three-year plan: the 14th General Program of Work will be approved by Member States in May 2024 and will guide the work of the WHO. organization from 2025-2028.

Join the Commission

So far, more than 350 organizations have applied to be part of the Commission. Today, the WHO will begin notifying the 120 organizations that have been accepted so far. Others will be notified in the coming weeks. You can find a list of participants on the WHO website and it will be updated regularly.

The application process will remain open and organizations wishing to apply to join the Commission are encouraged to do so.

“This is a historic opportunity for close collaboration between the WHO and CSOs around the world. everyone and we are excited that many organizations are playing an active role.” He said Civil Society Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee Lisa Hilmi (CORE group) and Ravi Ram (Medwise Solutions) “We welcome all civil society organizations committed to improving global health to join the WHO CSO Commission and look forward to your participation and thought leadership to address critical health issues.”

Context information

Organizations that meet the criteria of the Terms of Reference of the Civil Society Commission can apply to Join the WHO Civil Society Commission. He application it can be accessed on the WHO website for the Civil Society Commission; There is no deadline for applications.
