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VIDEO: Viral boy Sonu told specialties of Bihar in English, said a big thing on Manish Kashyap – Viral boy Sonu told specialties of Bihar in English also reacted on Manish Kashyap lclk

Bihar’s viral boy Sonu is once again in headlines. This time he has told the specialties of Bihar in English. Let us inform that last year, Sonu went viral on social media by exposing the education system of Bihar in front of CM Nitish Kumar and demanding good education system.

Sonu, who is studying in Kota’s Allen Career Institute, has passed the exam and reached the seventh grade. Sonu told in the interview that in a few days I will also learn to speak fluent English because I want to become an IAS.

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All leaders of Bihar look good: Sonu

Sonu said that after coming to this coaching, I do not feel that I have come somewhere far away. When Sonu was asked a question on the leaders, Viral Boy Sonu said that I like all the leaders of Bihar and no one is more or less but all are equal.

Sonu told in the interview that it was his dream to prepare for UPSC but he used to earn some money by teaching tuition to some children in the village. Due to this, Sonu used to think that with this money I can only get my brother’s education done. I will never be able to read myself.

Sonu told why did he go to meet the CM?

Sonu told that with this thought in his mind, he thought of meeting the CM and seeking help in his studies. As soon as Sonu spoke in front of CM Nitish Kumar, it became viral on social media. After this Sonu’s luck changed and many people came forward to teach him. Eventually Sonu got a place in Kota’s Allen Institute.

Sonu’s goal is to become an IAS

Sonu told that he wants to become an IAS officer by giving UPSC exam. He said that some people say that Sonu will become a leader. But I want to tell those people that the way they are making predictions is not correct.

Sonu said, ‘I want those people to do some experiments in science and contribute to the progress of the country. On the other hand, when Sonu was asked a question about Bihar’s YouTuber Manish Kashyap, he also answered it.

Sonu said that I do not know much but I had heard that he is in custody. Now I do not want to say anything about them because here my focus is on my exams and my studies. It is not known what is going on outside.


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