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Living with COPD: A Personal Journey

Living with COPD: A Personal Journey

By Jean Rommes, as told to Kendall Morgan


In 1985, Jean Rommes learned that she probably had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This article tells her personal journey of diagnosis, treatment, and advocacy for COPD awareness.

Struggling with Diagnosis

Jean first came across COPD in an article in 1985 but didn’t seek medical help until 2000. A spirometry test in revealed that her lung function was only at 37%. Despite limited treatment options, she was prescribed inhalers.

A Critical Turning Point

In 2003, Jean experienced a terrifying episode of respiratory failure that led to hospitalization. This event served as a wake-up call, prompting her to take charge of her health.

Exploring Treatment Options

Driven by anger and fear, Jean embarked on an aggressive combination of diet and exercise to improve her health. She also considered participating in COPD clinical trials, such as lung volume reduction surgery studies.

Advocacy and Education

Jean became actively involved in advocating for COPD awareness and education. She contributed to clinical trials, helping to design studies and consent forms from a patient’s perspective.

Research and Hope

Thanks to research advancements, new treatments for COPD have emerged. Jean emphasizes the importance of seeing a pulmonologist and exploring all available options. It is possible to live well with COPD with the right support and information.

Additional Insights

While COPD can be a challenging condition to manage, it is essential to stay informed and proactive. Here are some key insights for individuals living with COPD:

  • Regular exercise, even in small amounts, can improve lung function and overall well-being.
  • Diet plays a crucial role in managing COPD symptoms. A healthy, balanced diet can support lung health.
  • Engaging in clinical trials can provide access to cutting-edge treatments and contribute to scientific advancements in COPD research.
  • Support groups and online communities can offer valuable emotional support and practical tips for coping with COPD.


Living with COPD presents challenges, but with determination and access to resources, individuals can lead fulfilling lives. Jean Rommes’ journey serves as an inspiration for others facing COPD, highlighting the importance of advocacy, education, and proactive healthcare.


In summary, Jean Rommes’ experience with COPD showcases the importance of early detection, proactive treatment, and ongoing advocacy for improved care. By sharing her story and participating in clinical trials, Jean has made a significant impact on COPD research and patient support initiatives. Her journey underscores the need for comprehensive care approaches that address both physical and emotional aspects of living with a chronic respiratory condition like COPD.


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By Jean Rommes, as told to Kendall Morgan

In 1985 I learned that I probably had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I first came across this condition in an article, looked it up and discovered it had all the classic symptoms. But I didn’t do anything about it until 2000, when I finally went to my primary care doctor.

I always knew I was more short of breath than other people. A spirometry test, which measures how much you can inhale and exhale, showed that my lungs were only functioning at 37%. I received a definitive diagnosis of COPD, which was very unusual at the time, especially in a small community like mine in Iowa.

There wasn’t much to choose from in terms of treatments. My doctor prescribed inhalers and sent me on. They helped me, but to be honest, it was like a punch in the stomach. I thought, “Well, I guess that’s it. Let nature take its course.” I didn’t really see any good options for myself. I left things alone for a couple of years. I gained weight. I barely moved. At work, if I had to walk somewhere, I would make three stops one way and four back to catch his breath. I suspect he was at least mildly clinically depressed.

That all came to a screeching halt one Sunday in 2003. I got into the shower and had to get out before finishing because I couldn’t breathe. The humidity in the shower and the physical effort required to shower was more than I could bear. I recovered and got up for work the next morning.

But instead of going to work, I went straight to the doctor. There were a few inches of snow and ice on the ground. When I finally got to the clinic, I was huffing and puffing. The nurses looked at me and went to get a wheelchair. My doctor admitted me to the hospital. He was in respiratory failure. Not being able to breathe was quite terrifying.

The doctor said that if I could lose some weight, my problems would get a lot better, but they wouldn’t go away. He was sure that he didn’t think I could or would do it. That made me angry and scared, which are two powerful motivators. For the first time in my life I thought, “Let’s do something about this.”

I was ready to take charge of my health and explore my options. I started a really aggressive combination of diet and exercise. And when I saw an ad in the Sunday newspaper about COPD clinical trials at the University of Iowa, I decided to go ahead. They were testing less invasive ways to close more damaged areas of the lungs that trap air in COPD. I had heard a little about it and knew what the basic idea was. Basically, they were trying to perform lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) without cutting you. They used bronchoscopy to enter the lungs and place tiny valves. The goal was to block useless portions of the lungs and divert air to areas that were more functional so people could breathe better.

I made an appointment and underwent several tests to see if I would be eligible for testing. I wasn’t, but I still learned a lot about COPD from going through the process. The people who ran the test were very willing to talk and answer questions. They have called me back a couple of times. I haven’t participated in any new drug trials yet, but I have enrolled in other clinical studies where researchers are trying to learn more about COPD. One study looked at the relationship between bone density and COPD. Another is studying the effects of COPD on the brain.

I was willing to consider a clinical trial for multiple reasons. For one thing, he was quite young and still quite active. The possibility that something could help and maybe not need oxygen just to exercise was appealing. I also liked the idea of ​​participating in something that could have a lasting effect on someone else in the future. I thought it was worth a try and my husband and kids agreed. There is still a lot we don’t know about COPD. Everything we can learn must be something good.

I have been very involved in advocating and educating others about COPD. For the past few years, I have worked as a patient investigator on a clinical trial comparing two different medications to treat COPD. I helped with the design of the study, adding information from the patient’s point of view to try to ensure we made things easy and understandable for people. I helped design and prepare information materials and consent forms. I have been in all the discussions about how patients are identified. I’ve been involved in practically everything.

There are currently treatments for COPD that didn’t exist when I discovered I had it. It is research that has made it possible. The best way to explore your options (including trials) is to see a pulmonologist, especially if you can find one who is involved in research. You can find good information online at the COPD Foundation, the American Lung Association, and other organizations as well. They have groups you can join and that is a good way to find people who know a lot about COPD.

It is possible to learn to live well with COPD. Many people are unaware of the opportunities available to them. When you are diagnosed, it is difficult to find the energy and determination, but with the right equipment and information, it is possible to change that.
