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American Ballet Theatre soloist Skylar Brandt shows us inside her fridge to her world of grab-and-go foods and treats. Ballerina …
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Close that fridge!
Fascinating! So important to keep healthy when dancing.
Wow that is A LOT of plastic…wow…very very sad =(
That is not enough food for that much activity….And there's basically nothing in the freezer.
Am I the only one that recognizes the nutcracker music right away?
Fun fact shes the only success story from my old dance studio. My director would constantly brag about her at every recital and show. It's kinda cool finding old programs from like 2005 with her name in it with you.
I am living for her banana leotard
does anypne notice misty copeland at 0:30
someone has to go shopping
Then there’s me: I’m a ballerina and I eat so much it’s unreal.
That's just so much plastic
I'm no ballerina, but I'd wear the crap out of that cookie leotard! OMFG.
This is really good to hear! As a dancer it’s easy to think that you need to only eat vegetables or that you have to go vegan.
Her skin is ridiculously flawless.
She reminds me a lot of Eliza Dushku!
Video seems weird. Fridge is perfectly clean and everything looks literally just bought. Plus there's not really to eat either. Who really only has leftover indian food in their freezer?
You should’ve gotten a ballerina that actually eats food
I didn't get her eating routine at all….very vague
Tell me why I read the title as “what do billionaires really eat”
God I love these questions
I’m in love with how clean her fridge and house in general is

I actually like this, it's realistic for her lifestyle, she's a ballerina and need to energy, but also eats little of everything.
How long can eggs last in the fridge
She’s gorgious

People who think ballerinas are anorexic need to watch this.
I feel like all these videos are just the ballerinas going “look I’m a ballerina but I eat, haha I eat so much look at all the food I eat, I even eat chocolate on the weekends i eat so much hahahahaha”
God your diet looks really poor and unhealthy. Enjoy it until your young.
No one’s fridge/freezer is that tidy, looks staged

I’m also trans vegan…
Tomatoes are not supposed be kept in the fridge because they lose their nutritional value and taste. Same with potatoes, onion, garlic and avocados.
margarine ?
Tip. Carbs put weight on you. A ketogenic diet has taken 30 lbs off of me with almost no effort. As you get older with all that carb in pasta you become insulin resistant hence middle age spread.
Check out Dr. Eric Berg on YouTube.
what a lovely human and a lovely appartement!!!
Omg I can tell you she is sooooooo nice I am taking a few classes from her for a summer intensive she’s an amazing teacher !!!!!!!
Stay at home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority. @t
My dad would be yelling,"Close the fridge! You're wasting a lot of energy, kiddo!"
she is the only one who has a normal size fridge.
She is wearing mehendi (henna)
I like how she only has one thing in her freezer
Well now I understand why I am fat. I've got the fridge down; time to pick up the ballet.
well the margarine was certainly an interesting choice for a ballerina like her. it is an industrial product. but..everything else was pretty sound
You are beautiful. Please, butter for your health. No margarine or fake butter.
When I saw it was taza chocolate I nearly died….my husband probably shipped that chocolate to you skylar. However may I recommend not them anymore …
What are those batteries for I wonder
That is one empty fridge!
omg they show a picture of irina kolpakova when she mentions a "dresser" backstage. shame! lol
Her fridge is so clean!
Oh I adore watermelon! That's how I stay hydrated. I eat 1/2 to 1/3 of a watermelon every day. But I have to say Skylar's diet looks extremely healthy and smart. It's nice also that she allows herself sweets on occasion, and I'm going to check out that chocolate!
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