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Texas imposed a ban on abortions that kicks in as early as six weeks of pregnancy. Here’s why that timeline is really much shorter …
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Hey if woman can abort then dont need to be forced to pay child suppkrt
Sluts want this law out
Generations down the line will look back at this as disgusting and immoral just how we look back at slavery, nazi’s, etc. We look back and say what in the heck were them people thinking. That is how this generation will be looked at in 100 years. SMH. God Forgive Us for not fighting harder to stop this evil.
No one has a right to use anyone else's organs or body without their permission. This does not stop being true just because you happen to be a woman.
How can you tell when a woman is living in a delusional world of best case scenarios…?She's against abortion-
That's right it's her body ,except if it's a vaccine then she has no say so in her body
It is not about women's health, that is just a lie. It is about killing babies for money and that is all it is.
Sounds like to me The Hippocratic oath says abortion is not legal in any state??? Right?
I can't even imagine the fear, desperation, and anger a woman who is forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term must go through. These people lobbying against women's rights are some of the most heartless, unsympathetic people in this country.
Abortion Is Communism And Whoredom.
From 1970 to 1990
– 25 million procedures done. That is a lot of kids. 1991 to 2021 about 35 million more procedures. 60 million babies gone. Makes you wonder if ( my body my choice ) is the right thing to say. Time to help these poor mothers in different ways. The USA Government could finance a system of helping out. It would not cost that much. Give these mothers jobs, income, housing, healthcare. No one is saying remove choice just give options.
No one is saying remove choice , ( never ), just give better options. Of course those situations are a choice that the minor and their parents should be able to make. We as a society tend to shun , embarrass , ridicule, a teen that gets pregnant. That also has to stop. Acceptance is a hard pill to swallow. A young couple runs on fear mostly and do not think it through. I know the government can step in and help greatly in Many financial ways. Yes it’s an entitlement handout , so be it. I’ll pay my share in taxes when needed. Ok you won’t stop abortions but you’ll greatly reduce them.
Ending abortion is just a start…. next is any kind of bc that prevents egg implantation and so on …… they're just getting started. The abortion pill is available on the internet. Stock up for yourself and your friends. Mexico sells it over the counter…as do many other countries.
Billions of dollars are made from the genetic material taken from women. why aren't the women at least seeing some of that money?
God bless governor Abbott for defending unborn life
It's not your place to decide, and it's not your place to judge.
You cannot begin to understand His Plan for any soul.
You cannot presume to know where each path may lead.
Until you stand in front of the Ultimate Judge, you will have no idea which of your choices where Free Will and which were guided by His Hand.
Who are you to say the voice I hear telling me what to do is not His guidance?
Faith is a belief in what will happen, not a guarantee. Every person in History who has worshipped a God 'knew' they were right, but not one had the true answer before their time.
The Test of Life is pass/fail, and you don't know how you did until you get your grade.
You will just have to be satisfied that , if I'm wrong, I'll burn in Hell.
WOMEN are not sex toys, broodmares, domestic slaves, punching bags or property.
Reproductive choice is a human right.
I can't imagine the fear and desperation a mother must feel to make the decision to destroy the life growing inside of her. And to make the decision to have the little soul inside of her womb cut apart limb by limb and removed, as if that innocent life were a cancer inside of her. I pray that more of those women will consider other options first.
With all the chaos in the world I can genuinely say to people who abort babies we could have World Peace by now but the people who could have ushered it in never got to see daylight
One common misconception is that abortion devastates the women who decide to terminate pregnancy.
Not true.
The 'Crats in supporting and employing vaccine mandates have settled the question of abortion. It is not your body and it is not your choice. Let's Go Brandon.
Why do people want to promote more suffering in this world? People dont care about that unborn. These pro life just want that child to suffer. I do not believe any of these pro life freaks want that child to live a happy life. I wish i was aborted or miscarried when i was in the womb i honestly dont know why these freaks think that its sooo wonderful to bring someone into this crap. Those that got miscarried or aborted were lucky. I envy them every single day. They dont have to worry about after lifes or going through this crap of a world. They are freed when they get aborted or miscarried. I call pro life pro sadists because they want them to be born and suffer. And i encourage that if abortions are banned you can cause yourself to miscarry or do what this one texas lady did and go out of the country. No one can really stop abortions and i am glad because abortions are actually a selfless act and having kids certainly is THE MOST selfish thing anyone can do. I wish i was aborted…
All in the name of love … From the book … ABORTION IS NOT A SIN … author … Kent B. Welton … ABORTING FREEDOM & BIRTHING GUILT … "If a woman grows weary and at last dies from childbearing, it matters not. Let her die from bearing: she is there to do it." Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)
Here's the thing… The moral question of when life starts is entirely separate from the law. The legal question is 'when does personhood attach?' I don't think anyone can deny the answer to be birth. You get a certificate to prove it. Laws are often based on it. When you can vote, drink, drive, etc. They are all based on your age by date of birth. If a fetus is not legally a person, they don't have the rights of one any more than a dog or a tree, also alive, do.
I dont want this overturned because i wish i was aborted.
Those that did not get to be born were actually lucky. Thats why i encourage that even if this gets banned women can still easily cause a miscarriage. Ban or no ban abortions cannot be stopped and i am glad. To all the women out there you have the power to terminate the pregnancy yourself even though this ban happened. Because no one can stop a purposeful miscarriage. Pro Life do not care about that unborn they just want that child to be born in this trash so they can suffer.
I wish i was among the lucky ones that got aborted or miscarried. Please keep aborting and thank you for saving a child from this crap world.
Abortion changed my life. I got a free taco
and an orange slice.
Well done! Thanks for this video.
All BS. You can get a home pregnancy test at any womens health center. These are 99.9% accurate. They are accurate as early as 6mdays after missed period. Save your sorry excuses. Have you had sex without contraceptive devices? Take the test. NEWS FLASH when the baby moves on it’s own it isn’t your body. 2 abortions after 5 months? It’s in your body’s best interests to be sterilized. It’s also better for your mental health…..you clearly don’t understand cause and effect
that is gods job to judge not mans
Have we become such a corrupt and evil nation, that we cannot protect the sweetest humans on earth. The unborn and born child. That we choose to dismantle them, and put them in a blunder and crushing them up, without a moment thought about what we're doing. How sick and polluted, people have become!!!! One day God will hold them accountable for their actions. Come to Jesus today, ask Him to forgive you. Jesus is the only one who can forgive!!! Stand and speak for the babies !!!
The purple haired land whale in the beginning couldn’t pregnant if she(?) wanted to. Aint nobody gonna hit that.
Can a woman not test immediately after intimacy? Pro choice is a human right, but in this terrible situation—is it possible? A girlfriend of mine years ago found out via test and aborted after 2 weeks.
They don't however improve anything for the children that are born due to abortion bans. Screw these people's hypocrisy. They only care about the "life" of a few bundle of cells. But when it becomes a child, they don't care..
I’m legit trying to understand how otherwise good people rationalize abortion. I feel like there is something I don’t understand when i see people protecting abortion rights. This video provides nothing to help.
Abortion is healthcare, mental healthcare. I am not a uterus, I am not a tool to carry babies.
It is my body.
Abortion shouldn’t be banned it should still be legal under certain circumstances if the baby isn’t going to survive if the mother can’t physically have the baby safely if the pregnancy is threatening the mother’s life or if the pregnancy was the result of rape those are real legitimate reasons for abortion where the mother would actually need it.
Abortion ends your babies life. PERIOD.
If you are not mature enough to care for a baby don't get pregnant and guys, keep it in your pants and take a cold shower. Abortion allows people to avoid taking responsibilty for their actions
In my personal opinion, I don’t think you should abort unless it is a life or death situation, you were impregnated unwillingly like if you were raped, or if you are financially and or mentally not ok to have a child at the time. If you got pregnant because of your own willing action and are capable of raising it but just don’t won’t to is not a valid reason to get an abortion in my opinion.
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