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What The Roe Ruling Means For Women’s Health Care In America | Ayman

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Whatever the exact scope of the coming laws, one result of today’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade is certain: the curtailment of …


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26 thoughts on “What The Roe Ruling Means For Women’s Health Care In America | Ayman”

  1. There's no question to me that the Constitution must be amended to, among others, be able to recall/impeach Justices who operate in partisanship, or simply do not serve the public in good faith. SCOTUS has become a joke with these GOP justices running the show over there!😡😡 Between them, the GOP in Congress, and the damage caused by the Trump administration, the whole country's become a joke around the world!🤬🤬 Shame🤦 And don't talk to me about this hypocrite po💩 NANCY PELOSI!😡 SHE fiercely campaigned for ANTI-ABORTION Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas; against a DEFENDER OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS Jessica Cisneros!🤬🤬 Now the greedy witch wants us to believe that she supports abortion rights??? WE have to vote out ALL these corporate establishment politicians to protect OUR rights, and freedoms! TX, DON'T SEND CUELLAR TO DC IN NOVEMBER!🙏

  2. Women's healthcare? What's a woman? Do you mean Birthing people? It's really confusing and insensitive to talk about women's healthcare without including trans and non binary into the conversation.

  3. A judiciary that is combative, intimidating and overbearing rather than judicious, humane and empathetic in its dispensations of rulings and is tantamount to being divorced from the realities of a given time and space of a given community or populace surmises to be bereft of the capacity to uphold rule of law that epitomises compassionate and equitable justice for all. The SCOTUS ruling of June 2022 delivering the diabolical demise of the right to abortion for women by overturning the 50-year old precedent of Roe v Wade is the sine qua non of advocatus diaboli.

    Only votes at the ballot box putting out of office the culpable Republicans in the House and Senate and achieving a Democratic majority in Congress that enables legislation for women's rights to health care and abortion by individual choice is the one and only remedy for redressing the seismic imbalance that a corrupt pro-Republican Justices on the SCOTUS have unleashed by their ill-will ruling. Fiat justitia.

  4. Why should a clump of cells have more rights than an actual living human being? Doesn't the woman carrying the zygote also have a right to life? Doesn't her right to life mean she owns her own body? If a billionaire christian politician kidnaps a woman and places a fetus in her uterus because she is the only compatible host in the world for the fetus from his daughter who died in a car accident, would it be murder if the woman and her doctor removed the fetus? We need to reexamine exactly what it means to have a right to life and who gets to enjoy a right to life, living people or a clump of cells that could someday turn into a person.

  5. This is a devastating Human Rights abuse. Women (180 Million USA Citizens) now have the Government Control their bodies against their wishes. And if she breaks the new law, the Woman is now Criminalised. WTF.
    This needs to be sent to the UN to take a stance against USA and its barbaric laws.

  6. To all of you nit-picking Democrats – The American Taliban did not vote for Pennywise because they liked him. They held their noses because he said he would give them the power oppress you. If you don't do the same, you will slowly but surely lose ALL of your rights. Wake TFU! Staying home and pouting about Bernie on election day won't stop them.

    A heart-felt FU to all of you who said that our Handmaid references were over-the-top paranoid hyperbole. Apologies accepted if you get 3 or more of your progressive friends registered to vote.

  7. On the plus side, this crisis could be used as the impetus to rally enough sane Americans to finally end the Electoral College, and/or make the Senate reflect the will of the people instead of a radical minority that live in red states.

  8. I love how this host asks if the left is the real extremists.. Yeah bc we want M4a, higher wages.. That is way more extreme than Republicans. 🤦

  9. Employers should fire men that get women or girls pregnant when a women is forced to carry that unwanted pregnancy. Why are there no consequences for men? Babies don’t happen without their involvement.

  10. Whoa, states with the most restricted access to abortion are not functioning democracies? I am not surprised to see they already had other ways of restricting other rights to do anything, but I am still shocked and terrified to find out how draconian they actually are. I mean, why are some United States more against democracy than others? Why would Clarence Thomas overturn interracial marriage when he is in an interracial marriage himself? June 27, 2022, 9:05pm

  11. Republicans are taking away our rights but they have been trying to do that for centuries. What is different is that democratic politicians are not fighting for us.

  12. Soon labor unions will be illegal. Soon only wealthy people will have more rights. Soon Churches will rule and concentration camps are a step away from becoming reality. We need to be armed and to fight the right!

  13. "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe

  14. Women, you also have the right to use a public restroom without a man that “identifies” as a woman being in there with you. It is the Republicans that want to extend you this right. It also protects your rights to play women’s sports against other women.

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