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2016 Mercedes made sure rosberg won so he could retire . He was never gonna beat lewis fair n square.
1 month later, 4 races down, everybody already knows Valteri is not a title contender this season.
ok now what?
Nico didn't actually answer the question. The question was if they were in equal machinery. That would imply the same car, obviously. He didn't answer it because he knows his answer would upset his former boss.
Bottas really needs to step it up a gear but somehow I don't think he can driver skill wise which is affecting his mental faculties. I'd be surprised if he is still around for Mercedes 2022 season. As regards Verstappen, Hamilton and Mercedes will just step up another gear and out perform RB with driver skill, car performance and race day strategy. They make far less unforced errors. Max and RB looked good at the beginning cos they had a better pre-season than Mercedes and Hamilton due to elongated contract negotiations. However Mercedes and Hamilton are now getting their act together. Hamilton and Mercedes will improve race on race. I believe we make our own luck, both Hamilton and Mercedes are making their's
I noticed that Jensen Button seems to have a lot to say about Hamilton recently….jealousy!
After 15 years being beaten by Lewis with the help Mercedes garage nico beat HAM once and He bounced now ppl treat is like He beat him fair in square 14 -1 is not a number to cheer
Why talking about bringing russel..at this point ocon seems to be the next choice for 2nd driver.
No one cares about Nico. Nice hair though. Better than VB by a country mile. Lewis is — and always has been — on a different level to NR.
Good stuff. Especially Nico.
Nico is a class act. An absolute gentleman.
Lewis is winning this year watch and see.
Nico doing a better job than real 'journalists'.
Who cares, Rosberg is a nobody….
Nico you win in 2016 because of Hamilton DNF in Malaysia, we all know that!
Just let the teams run 3 cars bottas hamilton and russuel that would be brutal but honestly super cluttered
Neco never been in lewis mind stop talking wet.
the way the season is progressing now, it seems neither Lewis nor Mercedes is prepared for Max
Nico the jinx master
9:15 That didn't age very well thus far
Max will win it
He'll hype up Lewis as much as he can, because it fuels his own legend as the only person who could beat him.
P. S. Rosberg only retired cos he achieved the impossible (and with much luck) in that he eventually beat Lewis to a title but retired after poss knowing he would unlikely beat him again
Every day I wake up thinking ……I wonder what Rosberg,s view is and what does this genius have ,, maybe some sound advice …like let’s take Lewis mechanics and then if I should win il quickly retire so I won’t have to be tested in the real world ……. Rosbergs. Advice is like a broken pencil ……pointless
lol he didn't beat Lewis, Lewis was unlucky too many thongs happen out of his control. Nico was so lucky he decide to quit as he new that won't happen again
Johnny Herbert just laughing, wonderful.
Seems that Nico tends more to Lewis than Max. And this despite their hard rivalry.
Nevertheless it is always better to listen to such experts than the awaful comments we are reading in this day against Lewis. There is no expert, who would say Hamilton is a "dirty driver" or "underserved 7 times champ"
Which proves, that the hater have not even 1% margin to be right. They are just frustrated bad losers.
Nico always talks about LH weaknesses! As if he knew how to beat Lewis…
Bottas is the Slave from Lewis, that is what hè is paid for
Some Mercedes engineers went to red bull
Max obviously, he didn't beat Lewis. Mercedes gave him a send off championship
He won coz they wanted him out of the team and Mercedes fixed his win that year [ 2016 ]!! Lewis would have beaten him psychologically and emotionally and even on track!!! Am eagerly waiting for Lewis to uncover in his book on what happened that year including switching of engineers
Rosberg a legit Formula One champion? I’m just not convinced.
Every time I hear “Formula One 2016 Champion Nico Rosberg” I can HEAR the quote marks.
His insights are valuable but…there’s an emptiness there…
Mercedes rossberg cant say max
And we all know when merc and lewis win the title, it was because they drove of the competition of the circuit in silverstone and hungary
Rosberg could not stand up to F1 challenging times that lays ahead so he got out of this hot tub and now he is trying to tell how deep and how hot it should be by standing on the edge of the tub.
Every time I hear Nico I think of Claus from American Dad.
Miss Rosberg in the grid :/
Is that in your contract? HAHAHAH
Rosberg, stopped F1 and founded the worlds biggest cap store.
this is great watching this after the Saudi Arabia GP in 2021 an Lewis and Max have equal amount of points so it goes down to the very last race
so we have seen a title fight untill the last race with Max on top….! YES!
I am a massive Nico fan. Top guy.
How wrong you were Sky Sports
Nico remembers very well the 2016 Brasilian GP.
When he was overtaken by Max in a high speed left corner in the full rain,… on the outside!! Asif he was standing still. Overtaking his second place.
In second place Max decided to change tyres to full wets coming back at 16 place. Giving up his second place!
Fighting his way forward in full rain in the most amazing, epic battle I've ever seen in F1.
In the next 16 rounds he overtakes 13 drivers. The final one Perez who is the only one to make a real fight out if it.
He's behind Nico Rosberg again but ran out of time to pass him.
Nico took the championship that year. But after this race he soon must have realized his days of ever compenting again for a Championship in F1 were over.
This 'Mad Max' as he called him had been very intimidating to him by his exeptional performance. I believe it made him quit racing F1 at the hight of his game.
A smart thing to do imo.
He stays unbeaten ( by staying unchallengend) while Hamilton and Bottas (and many others) had to face the relentless blows Max delivered them.
The humiliation Lewis has to take this year must be crushing to him. With 14 wins so far Max has overpowered him (and the rest of the field) with such impact. No way Lewis can recover from this blow. But he has been very brave.
Nico saw it coming in time as a very clever and skilled racer. He knew after 2016 he'll never get a change to defend his title after having dealt with Max Verstappen. Chicken?
You could call it so. But I would call it realism and smart.
The future proves he was right to stop after his top-achievement.
After Brazil 2016 all F1 drivers knew for certain now there was a very special driver on the scene.
Far beyond their own capabilities. They got a sense with his first win in Spain out of the blue but this was for real. This was all about pure skill, speed and determination in the most horrific conditions.
It was clear to see for all the World. Even the Brazilians were at the top of their chairs shouting 'Senna'.
Even President Obama mentioned him that year as being outstanding (with a wink) for he managed to change the rules on age with entering F1 to be set at 18.
He was only 17 when he entered F1 without a driving lisence.
'And after the change he was still the fastest', Obama added…
And he is still.
Boy did it go down to Abu Dhabi
Nice to watch this in 2023-06-16;
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