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Why executives need to work on the ground with employees

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In today’s highly competitive times business environment, executives often get caught up in their day-to-day responsibilities and lose sight of what’s really happening “in the trenches.” However, this lack of connection with the rest of the company can be detrimental to the success of the business. To stay ahead, executives must work on the ground and “in the trenches” with the rest of the company, understand their challenges and provide support and leadership to overcome them.

A notable example of executives working on the ground is Starbucks, which has had tremendous success with its CEO, Kevin Johnson, working in the company’s stores. In an article published in Business InsiderJohnson discussed the benefits of his hands-on approach and how it has helped him better understand the needs of his customers and employees.

There is another example Uber CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, moonlighting as a driver for several months. He was surprised at how many issues were present and how rude some of the riders could be. He also learned about inefficiencies with the company’s app and implemented improvements for drivers, including sign-on features.

Also called the two-time Emmy Award-winning series Undercover boss, where high-level executives slip anonymously into their businesses for weeks or months at a time. Some of the key benefits for executives and CEOs working “in the trenches” include:

  • Gain new perspectives on the business, market and health of your business

  • Improve team morale

  • Understanding customers

  • Breaking down hierarchies and becoming a better leader

Related: What I learn by going ‘undercover’ in my company

Why officers need to go into the trenches

One of the primary advantages of executives Work on land It creates a culture of accountability. When visible and engaged with employees, executives set an example for others to follow. This culture of accountability can help improve employee morale and productivity, as they feel supported and valued. Moreover, when executives are on the ground, they can spot areas where improvements are needed and make adjustments accordingly.

Another important benefit of officers working on the ground is that it encourages innovation. By connecting with employees and customers, executives can learn about current trends and ideas that can benefit the company. This approach encourages creativity and helps the company Stay ahead of the competition. As executives observe customer behavior and gain insight into their preferences, they can better inform company strategy.

Officers working on the ground can also help build a strong team. By collaborating with employees, executives can build relationships and create a sense of camaraderie. This approach helps break down barriers and fosters collaboration, which is crucial in a fast-paced and competitive environment. When employees see executives collaborating with them, they feel appreciated and motivated to do their best.

Finally, officials working on the ground can help improve Customer experience. By observing customer behavior and communicating directly, executives can better understand their needs and preferences. This approach can help a company create a more personalized customer experience, increase loyalty and repeat business. When your customers feel appreciated, they are more likely to be loyal to your company and recommend it to others.

Related: 4 Lessons Every Executive Can Learn From Hourly Workers

How executives can get the most value from working on the ground

Here are some key considerations for executives looking to start working on the ground with the rest of the company:

  1. Set clear expectations: Executives should have clear goals and expectations for their time on the ground. This method will help them focus and ensure that all parties get the most out of their experience.

  2. Connect with employees: Executives should take time to interact with employees and learn about their challenges and successes. This approach will help Build relationships and promote a culture of accountability.

  3. Listen to customers: Executives should listen carefully to what customers have to say and note their feedback. This approach will help the company understand its customers better and create a more personalized experience.

  4. Build a formidable team: Executives should work to build a solid team Encouraging collaboration And created a sense of camaraderie. This approach will help improve morale and productivity.

  5. Be flexible: Executives must be willing to adjust their strategy based on what they observe on the ground. This approach will help the company stay ahead of its competition and adapt to changing customer needs.

In conclusion, on-the-ground executives can significantly impact the success of a business. By creating a culture of accountability, fostering innovation, building a strong team and improving the customer experience, executives can help their companies stay ahead of the competition. To get maximum value from this method, businesses must set clear expectations, engage with employees, Listen to customers, build a formidable team and be flexible. By doing so, executives can build a stronger, more successful company.

Related: Get better at your own job by doing someone else’s work


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