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These losers are also the reason why bullying is necessary
Error 504- Logic Can't be Accessed!!!

"Fat oppression'?????????
You need to be pressing that BUTTON more please it's painful to listen to this. Type of society of today or should i say mental illness
I was once sixty pounds overweight. I bought a full length mirror. What a nightmare! I began fat-shaming myself. I fat-shamed myself down sixty pounds. Everyone has enough problems just getting older. Why add obesity to your list? Plus, you just can't look at your fat self in the mirror when you are grossly overweight and say "other people want to fook me."
Have you seen what's getting rammed down childrens throughts nowadays 10 year olds coming home with home work about sex education even younger good grief
The doctor is a bully?

Do a reaction on Tom McDonald (some songs, snowflake, brainwashed, the system …)
Come on, Vlad, do us all a favour and drop those nukes.
There used to be a time that people where there own health care providers….and if you didn't you would die… eventually we all do, and most generally we by nature we had something against that. And yeah, even if you did you could just die. So after millennia our modern medicine progressed, and we could also little bit better predict what behaviours are leading to quicker exit. We created systems etc. And no matter what we still will all die. But for some strange reason advising somebody that certain things may lead to quicker dying and reduced enjoyment of life has become mentally unbearable…. I wonder what the cave paintings of the everage tick toxic producer would be….
If the whoe fat situation is a stigma than why they bother to go to a doctor for a health check up ?
All the time they spent running their mouth they could have spent actually running to improve their health. If you can't understand that being fat is factually bad for your health, Darwin will certainly take care of the issue for you with an early death. Maybe we just let the problem solve itself?
For the crazy pro choice woman. Hey, you got another choice if you're worried about all that. Choose to keep your legs closed!
I like your channel, but another mix of sound buttons would be good. It seems like you are a bit limited at this point, but I will still be listening.
Word salad with mental gymnastics problem vs actual real world problem. These people are the perfect subjects for a communist government… all weak.
I hope these stupid feminists follow their own ideas and don’t have children.
Feminism is more about destroying Capitalism than it is about helping women…. the people in power hate competition…. tyranny hates competition…..lucifer hates competition
Well, if that's true, then you chicks should really dig fat men, eh? Or are there double standards? Hey, what about short men? They cannot help being short, at least the fat people can actually do something about being fat. lol, hypocrites. No one will ever take a hypocrite seriously. And they shouldn't. Because they're inherently wrong.
The thing I find hilarious is obesity is a choice and 100% within your control. It's so simple, just burn more calories than you take in. It's not like something you can't control like your height. If you're fat you choose it. Before anyone hates on me I was obese but made the choice to get fit a few years ago.
Your comment at the end about abortion actually makes you pro-choice as there is no way to let people with medical conditions or rape victims have abortions without letting everyone have it simply due to there not being time enough to check. It's already difficult to detect pregnancy in time to have the procedure before it being too late, there is simply no time to also evaluate if they deserve it.
All these people seeking outside of themselves validation is sickning Most of time I don't care what people think but these people need my approval for everything . No wonder they delete thenselves.
Blah blah fat shaming …
But let me tell you how small guys are downtown. Like a thimble. Lol.
Ich bin hungrig
This was so cringe and nauseating I couldn't finish the video. Start moving towards your exit plan Boys, because they aren't talking about this stuff in the east.
When feelings are more important that logical facts that can save a life.
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