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Women Hitting The Wall #24 – When Women Regret Feminism | The Wall

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When Women Regret Feminism is a thought-provoking video that explores the struggles women over 30 face when they haven’t …


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31 thoughts on “Women Hitting The Wall #24 – When Women Regret Feminism | The Wall”

  1. Women who take the time at a young age to vet an older man to see if hes husband material dont usually have abusive outcomes. Vetting is crucial men dont usually do an intense act of violence out of the blue. They show signs early. Its ur fault for not leaving immediately at the first red flag. Women u have to take it seriously ur biological clock even when ur young is ticking.

  2. 8:32 This woman sounds like she needs therapy. She's freaked out about one bad occurrence, and from internet stories of dubious accuracy.
    If you get beat up, did you hit him first? This happens frequently.
    Why do you expect other men…. strangers…. to save you?
    Did you call the cops? Is there a police report? No? Then I don't want to hear it.
    Seek therapy.

    BTW…. "of dating abilities"?
    Does that mean you smash? 😂

  3. I'm sorry, but I'm all out of sympathy for these selfish, self-centered women. Do what I did, and go to Southeast Asia and find yourself a lovely young lady who's happy to be with you and who actually likes men. That's what I did about 17 years ago and my wife and I have been living happily ever since.

  4. You combative females can try to need less validation all you want, but when you actually start getting less and less nothing this 304 has to say will help you at all! Slamming that wall at full speed is going to hurt no matter what she says!

  5. She is so sick, yes and all of her girlfriends are also! We men know you suck at choosing a partner always going for the bad boys! 304's (3-digit combative females) have not a clue of what good men want from a woman partner/girlfriend/wife. College destroys most of them for marriage!

  6. Heard a few times of women saying that they couldnt get a project proposal done because

    1. Kids
    2. Chores
    3. Job
    4. Dating life
    5. Busy
    6. Need to have a life
    7. Taking more than 2 days off a week (kids, monthly things for women)
    8. Refuse to do the job because its a one person job and they refuse to do it by themselves. (Its a 1 person job)
    9. Being paid 70-100k isnt enough for them
    10. Always texting and on personal calls in the office

  7. Always ask women about their last relationship and pay close attention to the way they put their exes down. If every guy was "abusive" that is very unlikely. If they say he was abusive try to pin them down on exactly what he did to her. Most of the time it was not physical abuse. You can be sure there are two sides to every sob story.

  8. She wants to know why the “good men” (she’d call them abusive eventually as well) don’t “stand up”? It’s because we’ve managed to find the good women, and are busy working, raising families, and building lives together. We don’t have the time, energy, or inclination to wade into the cesspool that is your life and help you clean it up.

  9. It’s funny to me that every single woman seems to be the victim. They never mention the fact that they start the violence first. She talks about being used by men how many men are just walking wallets as far as women are concerned. Yeah right western women are absolutely repugnant, abusive manipulative lying Cunt. Like me many of my friends have gotten their passport and are going overseas defined real loving, feminine women. Western women especially older western women are nothing but a major problem and definitely not worth your time.

  10. This woman has such a foul mouth and wants to be heard like that to the world world. As soon as she speaks you know she is violent, abusive and will make life really really bad for you and any children. Out the abundance of the heart, the person speaks.(bible) You can know somethings about her heart by what she says. You can do the same with a man. Do you learn everything? No, of course not. But right away you get to hear what is really in her heart when she speaks.

  11. Western Men demanded a traditional woman but they cannot be a traditional man.. let me remind you all how traditional marriage works..
    A woman stays at home looking after the house and the kids take care of her man.. the man will take care of the finances 100%.

    What the western Men wants, you need to be a traditional woman but at the same you have to work and pay the 50% of the bills.. I guess you need to be a superhero or wonderwoman to marry a western Man.

    Young ladies run away from these Men as fast as you can.. marry a middle eatern Men where your money is your money and you will be taken care of financially. There is no question to that. You will not be judge about your past because in Islam the value of a women did not deacrease just because she is divorce or single mother.

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