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You Won’t Believe the Shocking Truth Behind Terri White’s Book Launch | Uncover the Secrets of an Extraordinary Life

The Journey of Writing a Book: From Homeschooling to Publication

The Dream of Writing a Book

Throughout my adult life, I always had a sense that one day I would write a book. In the 1990s, I had the opportunity to write a series of educational articles for magazines, which I later compiled into a booklet titled “Successful Homeschooling.” This booklet aimed to offer tips and guidance for parents navigating the world of homeschooling. After all, homeschooling is a heavy responsibility, and we can all use help from those who have gone before us.

After completing the booklet, I continued to jot down autobiographical notes in an old spiral notebook. These notes remained dormant for years, as I was occupied with homeschooling my three children and later, teaching creative writing and English composition to homeschooled teenagers.

The Start of a New Journey

For two decades, I dedicated my time to teaching these classes. During that time, my children got married and started their own families, and I found myself enjoying the joy of being a grandparent. However, amidst my commitments to teaching, grading papers, running a school, and spending time with my grandchildren, I found little time for writing.

A few years ago, I was invited to join the Community Board of the Cleburne Times-Review as the homeschool representative. The editor, Dale, asked me to write an article on Texas homeschooling. I gladly accepted the invitation and submitted my write-up. Dale liked it and asked for more. This marked the beginning of a new phase in my writing journey, pushing me to go beyond teaching and grading papers and giving me an outlet for my thoughts.

Diving into the Publishing Process

With a growing collection of essays, the idea of publishing them in a book began to take shape. Now, the question was how to go about publishing them. After careful consideration, I decided to choose Amazon Publishing. The reasonable cost, along with the opportunity for their team to format my manuscript, create a cover, and handle other details, made it an ideal choice for me.

However, before publishing, I needed to protect my work from theft. I had to copyright the book and get the cover and title trademarked. Without this protection, it would be risky to publish the book. I went through the process of seeking these approvals and now eagerly await their finalization.

The Amazon Marketing Journey

While waiting for the publication process to finish, the Amazon marketing team approached me. They asked me about my preferences regarding book promotion, target audience, desired sales, and pricing. These questions left me feeling overwhelmed, as marketing is not something I am well-versed in. I realized that I needed professional help in promoting my book; otherwise, I would be missing out on potential readers.

However, the thought of marketing expenses made me hesitate. I wondered if I could promote the book myself through social media. As I contemplated this, I sought advice from friends, who rallied behind me with their support. They encouraged me to take the plunge and assured me that we could make it happen together.

Amidst the flurry of ideas from friends and my own uncertainties, my trusty husband stepped in. He reminded me of my early days of giving speeches, when I would be nervous and second-guessing myself. He assured me that people loved my essays and would love the book too. He encouraged me to invest in marketing and hire Amazon to help me with it.

With his words of support, I made the decision to go for it. I put my hesitations aside and fully embraced the process. The headaches and uncertainties that once plagued me no longer exist. Now, I eagerly await the finalization of the book and look forward to the magic that the Amazon marketing team will create. It’s time to reap the results of my hard work and see my book soar.

Introducing “Back Porch Musings”

Just like a stand-up comedy show that offers bits of humor and wisdom, my book, “Back Porch Musings,” provides readers with a glimpse into my life. As you read through its pages, you will have a front-row seat to my journey, sailing through life on the wings of the places I have been and the people I have loved.

Within the book, you will have the opportunity to laugh at my tomfoolery, ponder my insights, and enjoy my cherished memories. Each essay in “Back Porch Musings” takes you on a unique adventure, leaving you with a sense of connection, amusement, and reflection.

The Power of Writing a Book: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Inspiring Others

Writing a book is not just about penning words on paper. It is a journey of self-discovery, fulfillment, and the opportunity to inspire others. The process of crafting a book allows the author to delve deep into their thoughts, memories, and experiences, shaping them into a narrative that resonates with readers.

For Terri, the author of “Back Porch Musings,” the journey of writing her book spanned decades. It began with articles compiled into a booklet on successful homeschooling, offering parents valuable advice. As her life evolved, so did her writing. Teaching creative writing and English composition to homeschoolers provided a new perspective and inspiration.

However, finding time to write amidst the responsibilities of teaching, running a school, and enjoying the joys of grandparenthood remained a challenge. The opportunity to write for the Cleburne Times-Review breathed new life into Terri’s passion. Her essays on Texas homeschooling struck a chord with readers and paved the way for her to venture into publishing.

Choosing Amazon Publishing as the platform to bring her book to life was a strategic choice. The supportive team helps with the formatting, cover design, and other important details, allowing Terri to focus on her words. Protecting her work through copyright and trademark was an important step before venturing into the publishing process.

One aspect that often overwhelms authors is marketing. While writing comes naturally to Terri, the world of marketing is unfamiliar territory. The invitation from the Amazon marketing team to discuss promotion, target audiences, sales, and pricing left her unsure. However, through the support of loved ones and the wisdom of her husband, Terri decided to embrace the opportunity to market her book.

The importance of professional help in book promotion cannot be overstated. While social media can be a useful tool, having a team dedicated to marketing and a wide reach helps ensure that the book reaches its intended audience. Terri’s decision to invest in marketing through Amazon allows her book to have the best chance of success.

“Back Porch Musings” is not just another book. It is a collection of personal stories that invite readers to laugh, ponder, and connect. Terri’s unique style of writing offers humor, wisdom, and reflections on life. Each essay within the book is a window into her world, allowing readers to see the places she has been and the people she has loved.

For those considering writing a book, Terri’s journey serves as an inspiration. It shows that dreams can be realized at any age and that the challenges of life should never hinder one’s passion. Writing a book opens doors to self-discovery, creative expression, and a platform to share unique experiences with others.


After years of jotting down notes and teaching creative writing, Terri embarked on a journey to write and publish her book, “Back Porch Musings.” The collection of essays provides readers with an intimate glimpse into her life, offering bits of humor, wisdom, and cherished memories. With the support of her husband and the guidance of the Amazon marketing team, Terri is eager to see her book soar and inspire others. Writing a book is not just a personal accomplishment; it is a powerful medium for self-expression, connection, and the opportunity to leave a lasting impact on readers.


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All my adult life, I’ve sensed that I would write a book one day. In the 1990s, I wrote a series of educational articles for a few magazines which I compiled into a booklet entitled, “Successful Homeschooling.” It offers tips for parents navigating that mode of education.

After all, it’s a heavy responsibility, and we can all use help from those who have gone before us. Curious? Find it on or at the Cleburne Public Library.

Over the years, I often jotted down autobiographical notes. They remain dormant in that 40-year-old spiral notebook. Vintage pre-Internet. Then, after I finished homeschooling my three kids in 1999, I embarked on a new journey when homeschool families asked me to teach their teens creative writing and English composition skills.

I taught my classes for 20 years. During that time, my kids married and had their own kids. Grandparenting bloomed. Call me crazy, but at age 63, I started a university-style school that offers a la carte classes for homeschoolers. Find it at

These responsibilities left little time to write. I was too busy teaching, grading papers, running the school, and enjoying my grandchildren. However, a few years ago, when Cleburne Times-Review invited me to join their Community Board as the homeschool representative, Dale asked me to send him a write-up about Texas homeschooling.

I did. He liked it and published it. Then asked for more. And so it began — nearly shoving me into doing my own writing instead of just teaching it and grading papers. It was cathartic and fun, providing an outlet for my thoughts. I hope you have enjoyed them.

Hence, my first retirement project is to publish my writings in a book — nearly 150 essays. What to do? How to publish them?

After consideration, I chose Amazon Publishing. For a reasonable cost, I submitted my manuscript for its team to format, create a cover, and complete all the other painstaking details that I had no interest in handling myself.

But hold on! I needed to copyright it and get the cover and title trademarked. No point in publishing my book without protecting it from theft. Now to wait on those approvals.

Meanwhile, the Amazon marketing team approached me. How do I want to promote it? What’s your target audience? How many copies do you want to sell? What do you want to charge? Yikes! Frankly, I have no idea. I need professional help. Why would I go through the trouble of publishing my book and then not promote it?

However, I grew nervous because marketing is not cheap. Perhaps I can promote it myself on social media. More conversations with the Amazon marketing guru. Meanwhile, I checked with friends for promotion suggestions. Their answers? Go, Team Terri! We can do this! Followed by a quagmire of ideas. My head hurt. My heart beat wildly.

Enter my trusty husband as I vacillated, “Terri, in your early days of giving speeches before groups, you were nervous, second-guessing yourself. Eventually, though, you gained confidence. You are doing it again. Second-guessing yourself. People already love your essays. They will love the book. I know you’re frugal, but we have the money. Hire Amazon to market your book.”

“That’s just one more reason why I need you,” I responded.

Decision made, so I dove in. My head no longer hurts. My heart no longer beats wildly. Now I await the finalization of the book. Then the Amazon marketing magic will begin, and I will reap the results.

Wait for it, folks! Like stand-up comedy that offers bits of humor and wisdom, my book, “Back Porch Musings,” provides the reader with a peek into my life. You have a front-row seat as I sail through my life on the wings of the places I have been and the people I have loved. Laugh at my bits of tomfoolery, ponder my insights, and enjoy my memories.