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Zoom became part of daily life. You need to tell users exactly how you are using their data

A Well-Informed and Engaging Piece on Zoom’s Terms of Service Update

A Well-Informed and Engaging Piece on Zoom’s Terms of Service Update


Zoom, the popular video conferencing platform, recently made modifications to its terms of service that grant the company the right to use various assets, including video recordings, audio transcripts, and shared files of its users and customers. These assets can be utilized for purposes such as training Zoom’s machine learning and AI applications. However, this policy change raises concerns regarding user privacy, the lack of clearly marked opt-out options, and the potential implications for compliance with regulations like HIPAA and FERPA.

User Privacy and Implications

The recent change in Zoom’s terms of service has sparked discussions about user privacy and the need for transparent opt-out mechanisms. Some questions that arise include:

  • What does this change mean for user privacy?
  • Why is there no clearly marked opt-out option or the ability to provide meaningful consent?
  • How does this change align with Zoom’s previous issues with HIPAA compliance?
  • What implications does this have for American educators subject to FERPA laws?

The need for companies to allow users the opportunity to opt out before using their data for training AI or other purposes not intended becomes apparent. When the data collected is personal and wide-ranging, like in the case of Zoom, it is crucial to prioritize user consent and avoid coercive practices.

Zoom’s Response and Concerns

In response to the concerns raised, Zoom released a blog post clarifying the change in its terms of service and outlining the subscription process for its AI-assisted features. The blog post stated that Zoom would not use audio, video, or chat client content to train its artificial intelligence models without user consent. However, these amendments did not fully address the concerns, and several issues remain unresolved:

  • Opt-in or opt-out settings can only be controlled at the “customer” level, not individually by users.
  • There is no guarantee that Zoom will not use the collected data for other purposes in the future.
  • The impact of opting out when a co-host joins a call through a different organization is unclear.
  • The alignment of Zoom’s new rights provisions with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation is not addressed.

The concerns highlighted by these unresolved issues emphasize the importance of user control and ensuring transparency in the use of data.

Challenges of Alternatives

While individuals have been urged to switch to other platforms if they disagree with Zoom’s terms of service, the alternatives present their own challenges. Using tools owned by tech giants like Google or Microsoft may not guarantee informed consent for AI training on user data, based on their previous indiscretions. On the other hand, unfamiliar platforms with steep learning curves create barriers for organizations and individuals who have integrated Zoom into their daily lives.

Unique Insights and Perspectives

Looking beyond the immediate concerns, it is essential to explore the broader implications and offer unique insights:

  1. Impact on AI Advancements: The utilization of user data for training AI models is instrumental in advancing technology, but the importance of consent and privacy cannot be overlooked.
  2. Ethical Considerations: The practice of using user data without informed consent raises ethical questions and highlights the need for better regulations and industry standards.
  3. Balance between Convenience and Privacy: Striking a balance between the convenience offered by platforms like Zoom and protecting user privacy is a challenge that requires the cooperation of both companies and users.
  4. User Empowerment: Empowering users with more control over their data and providing clear opt-out mechanisms are necessary steps to ensure transparency and build trust.

These insights provide a deeper understanding of the underlying issues and encourage a more nuanced perspective on the topic.


Zoom’s recent modifications to its terms of service have sparked concerns about user privacy and the need for transparent opt-out mechanisms. While Zoom has released a blog post clarifying the change and assuring users of their consent requirements, several unresolved issues remain. Opt-in or opt-out settings are currently managed at the “customer” level, and there is no guarantee that collected data won’t be used for other purposes in the future. Additionally, the implications for compliance with regulations like HIPAA and FERPA, as well as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, need further clarification.

Looking beyond the immediate concerns, it is important to acknowledge the challenges of alternatives and the need for user empowerment in the face of the growing reliance on video conferencing technology. Striking a balance between convenience and privacy, addressing ethical considerations, and championing regulations that prioritize user consent are essential steps towards a more transparent and trustworthy digital landscape.


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Zoom recently modified your terms of service be granted the right to use any assets, such as video recordings, audio transcripts or shared files, whether uploaded or generated by “users” or “customers”. These assets could be used for many things, including training Zoom’s machine learning and AI applications.

This policy change raises a number of questions. What does this mean for user privacy? Why doesn’t there seem to be any clearly marked opt-out, let alone the ability to consent and participate in a meaningful way? How does this quadrature work with Zoom’s? previous problems with HIPAA compliance, in which the company allegedly failed to provide the end-to-end encryption it had advertised to healthcare providers? What does this mean for American educators subject to FERPA laws, which protect the privacy of students and their records?

This recent change to Zoom’s terms of service underscores the need for companies to provide users the opportunity to meaningfully opt out before their data is used to train AI or for any other purpose for which it is not intended. feel comfortable. This is especially urgent when the company in question is so integral part of how we live our lives and the data it collects is very broad and personal. Even people who would otherwise have been happy to help improve a tool they use all the time will balk when they don’t get a chance to give affirmative consent. Anything less than this is coercion, and forced consent is not consent at all.

As if on cue, this week Zoom released what many read as a panic message. blog post “clarifying” what this change means to its terms of service and outlining the subscription process for its AI-assisted features. The company then added to its terms of service that “Notwithstanding the foregoing, Zoom will not use audio, video, or chat client content to train our artificial intelligence models without your consent.”

But these amendments did not allay many of the concerns that people had raised. For one thing, the choice to opt-in or out can only be set at the “customer” level, meaning that the company, corporation, university, or doctor’s office that licenses Zoom makes that decision, not the individual users registered to through that license. . (Though people who sign up for free Zoom accounts could presumably control that themselves.) And the updated Terms of Service still leave open the possibility that Zoom could use the data it has collected for other purposes at a later date, if it so chooses. .

Additionally, neither Zoom’s blog post nor its updated Terms of Service contain any discussion of what happens if an organization opts out but a co-host joins the call through a different organization that has signed up. What data from that call would the company be allowed to use? What potentially sensitive information could leak into the Zoom ecosystem? And on a global stage, how do all these questions about the new rights provisions in the Zoom Terms of Service fit in with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation?

Most of us were never directly asked if we wanted our calls used to test and train Zoom’s generative AI. They told us it was going to happen, and if we didn’t like it, we should use something else. But when Zoom has such a firm monopoly on video calling, a necessary part of life in 2023, the existing alternatives aren’t exactly appealing. You could use a tool owned by Google or Microsoft, but both companies have had their own problems with training generative AI on user data without informed consent. The other option is to use an unfamiliar backend and interface with a steep learning curve. But digging into and learning how to use those tools will create a barrier to entry for many organizations, not to mention individuals, who have integrated Zoom into their daily lives. For people just trying to have a conversation with their coworkers, students, patients, or family members, that’s not really a meaningful option.
