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A nomadic woman going to the doctor to be sure of her child’s health and returning to the village. Please subscribe and enjoy the …
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ايتها الام اهتمي بنفسك الزمي بيتك لا تتعبين ولا تبذلين مجهود فلا احد يرحمك اذا سقطتي انت نفساء اهتمي بصحتك ربنا يقومك بالسلامة والعافيه

Почему уходят? Так же горы.
Carrying a heavy load after only hours delivered the infant?
السلام عليكم من
♥ ️
pobre animales!
This is sheer abuse to animals and to women and children. These people are not literally Nomads- they have a stationary house- they just go to the mountains to graze their animals.
Women like the donkeys are just neing used as a beast of burden- please the men, cook for them and help them with all the work. This is inhumane!!!
اقل شي لوالده جديد ترتاح فد عشر ايام زمان يختلف عن زمان
Ннндааа… своя ноша не тянет…
Да ё-моё… в каком веке вы живёте… сколько можно таскать этот ящик… где современные переноски?
اين الزوج لايحمل الصندوق اقل شيء مسكينه حبلا تعمل ونافس تعمل متى ترتاح وتقدرونها
مشي مسافات طويله مع حمل ثقل خطر على صحة السيدة المسكينه
Please be more gentle with the donkeys! Load is too heavy for uphill and do not allow the children to flog the animals!
هي ذاهبه الى بيت اهلها لعمليه تنفيسها بعد الولاده ليقوموا بتنفيسها هذه عادات البدو الرحل في دول الخليج وفي بوادي الجزيره العربيه وايران
الله يسلمها لولديها
That’s the best ever

Baby healthy 
Este povo e louco Deus di ceu nao tem descanso a mesma roupa comi este povi deve fede que loucura.
Cade o maridos comprar um carro da qualidade de vida esta qualidade de vida esta familha
Estes animais vai morrer de fadiga homem má
Poor donkey overwhelmed Be respect for your animals.I didn’t watch the all video
Why not use a wheeled wagon like the pioneers used to! Make your live easier.
어제 애기를 낳았는데 하루지나서 저렇게 무거운 아기짐을 오랫동안 걷게하는건 야만인이 하는짓입니다 그녀를 편하게 쉬게해주세요….
The love these children have for each other and their mother is beautiful.
I cant watch how the donkeys are treated
It’s very sad to see that people are still going through so much hardship on our planet Earth.

God bless you

Чокнутые эти Иранские женщины. С какой стороны к люльке к ребёнку падхадить не умеют. С правой стороны надо класть ребёнка в люльку неужели не знают.
Со спины женщины никто не снимает люлку
Интересный народ тупой.
These people are always abusing their animals… unfortunately
Poor donkey overload and poor mother also overload should be home with her baby at least 40 days. Putting you and your baby in crisis. Ladies it’s so important to pick a good partner.
The little boy worries so much for his mom notice him when she was giving birth outside the tent and now here holding the cradle he known it was heavy for her.
The poor donkeys have to carry everything! She carried the baby in the bed and he never cried! What season is it? The dresses look so heavy and they must be hot!
Porque las mujeres tenemos que sufrir tanto
I find this so cruel on this poor mother who just gave birth carrying that heavy load all this way. Surely there is some other way of getting to where they are going rather than walking.
Unfortunately these people choose to live like this. It’s such a difficult cruel way of living in 2023.
Wanita yang baru melahirkan anak sepatutnya berehat dan tidak memaksa diri membawa beban yang berat melakukan aktiviti lasak sebab mengakibatkan berlakunya pendarahan teruk kerana rahim wanita selepas melahirkan masih lagi longgar.
Pobres animales
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