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Breakthrough for Female Athletes: Hannah Yeoh unveils groundbreaking women’s health clinic at National Sports Medical Center!

Title: Addressing Women’s Health Issues in Sports: The Launch of the National Sports Institute Women’s Health Clinic

In a groundbreaking move to prioritize women’s health in the realm of sports, the National Sports Institute (ISN) has recently established the first Women’s Health Clinic at the National Sports Medical Center (NSMC). This initiative is aimed at addressing the specific health concerns faced by female athletes, providing them with specialized care, and promoting overall well-being. The decision to set up the clinic was prompted by feedback received during a town hall session with the country’s female athletes, conducted last August. The establishment of this clinic marks a significant step forward in acknowledging and addressing the unique health needs of women engaged in sports.

Importance of Women’s Health Clinic
The Youth and Sports Minister, Hannah Yeoh, emphasized the significance of the Women’s Health Clinic, stating that it was necessary to provide a dedicated space for female athletes to seek medical consultation and support for their health conditions. She further highlighted the challenges faced by athletes who experienced monthly pain with no access to doctors, obstetricians, or gynecologists. This indicates the need for specialized medical professionals who possess expertise in women’s health issues and can provide appropriate guidance to female athletes.

Role of the Women’s Health Clinic
The Women’s Health Clinic at NSMC has recruited a visiting obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Jerilee Azhary, alongside a permanent doctor, Dr. Wan Nadiah Zainab Wan Azman. These medical professionals are responsible for providing comprehensive healthcare services to female athletes. The services offered at the clinic include consultations, health checks, external referrals, and women’s health education sessions. By offering a range of medical interventions and educational resources, the clinic aims to promote the overall well-being of female athletes and help them overcome the specific health challenges associated with their sporting careers.

The Need for Specialized Care
One of the key reasons behind the establishment of the Women’s Health Clinic is the recognition that coaches may not possess sufficient knowledge or expertise in addressing women’s health issues. While they play a pivotal role in providing sports-related guidance and training, it is crucial to acknowledge that they might lack specialization in female health concerns. By incorporating the services of medical professionals specifically trained in obstetrics and gynecology, the clinic ensures that female athletes receive the appropriate care and advice for their unique health needs.

Expanding Access to Care
The launch of the Women’s Health Clinic signifies a leap forward in addressing the gender gap in access to healthcare services among athletes. Historically, female athletes have encountered difficulties in accessing appropriate medical care due to a lack of understanding and specialized resources tailored to their needs. With the establishment of this clinic, female athletes can now benefit from a dedicated medical facility that understands and caters to their specific requirements. The clinic’s operational hours have been set on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., ensuring convenient access to quality healthcare services.

Expanding on the Topic: Empowering Female Athletes Through Comprehensive Healthcare

Title: Empowering Female Athletes Through Comprehensive Healthcare

The launch of the Women’s Health Clinic at the National Sports Medical Center represents a pivotal moment in recognizing and addressing the unique health needs of female athletes. This additional piece aims to delve deeper into the significance of comprehensive healthcare for female athletes and discuss strategies to empower them through effective medical support.

Promoting Women’s Health Education
Apart from providing consultations and medical interventions, the Women’s Health Clinic places a strong emphasis on women’s health education. Through educational sessions, athletes can gain valuable knowledge about their bodies, reproductive health, and various health concerns specific to female athletes. Empowering women with this information allows them to make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards maintaining their overall health and well-being.

Positive Impact on Performance
By prioritizing women’s health through the establishment of a dedicated clinic, the ISN aims to improve the overall performance of female athletes. Addressing the specific health concerns faced by women in sports can pave the way for enhanced athletic performance, reduced risk of injuries, and improved recovery. When female athletes receive comprehensive healthcare support, they are better equipped to excel in their respective sports and contribute to their team’s success.

Long-term Health Benefits
The Women’s Health Clinic’s services extend beyond immediate medical care and interventions. Regular health checks and consultations allow medical professionals to monitor the athletes’ health over time, enabling early detection and prevention of potential health risks. By providing ongoing medical support, the clinic ensures that female athletes can maintain their long-term health and well-being, both during their careers and beyond.

Embracing Women’s Health as a Priority
The establishment of the Women’s Health Clinic sends a powerful message regarding the importance of women’s health in sports. This initiative demonstrates a commitment to addressing the unique needs of female athletes and recognizing the gender-specific challenges they face. By embracing women’s health as a priority, the sporting community can foster an inclusive and supportive environment that champions the overall well-being of all athletes.


In conclusion, the launch of the Women’s Health Clinic at the National Sports Medical Center signifies a monumental step towards prioritizing women’s health in the realm of sports. By establishing a dedicated clinic and incorporating medical professionals specialized in women’s health, the National Sports Institute aims to address the specific health concerns faced by female athletes. The clinic’s offerings, including consultations, health checks, external referrals, and women’s health education sessions, provide a comprehensive approach to care. Empowering female athletes through comprehensive healthcare not only enhances their performance but also promotes long-term health and well-being. By emphasizing the importance of women’s health and dedicating resources to address their unique needs, the sporting community can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all athletes.


The Women’s Health Clinic at the National Sports Medical Center has been established to cater to the specific needs of female athletes, addressing the challenges they face in accessing appropriate medical care. The clinic aims to provide consultations, health checks, external referrals, and women’s health education sessions. The initiative acknowledges the importance of specialized care for female athletes and the need to empower them through comprehensive healthcare support. The clinic’s offerings promote improved athletic performance, reduced risk of injuries, and long-term health benefits. This step towards prioritizing women’s health in sports underscores the commitment to creating an inclusive environment that fosters the overall well-being of all athletes.


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KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 17 – The National Sports Institute (ISN) has set up the first Women’s Health Clinic at the National Sports Medical Center (NSMC) as an initiative to address the health issues of female athletes.

Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh said the clinic was set up after receiving feedback through a town hall session held with the country’s female athletes last August.



“During the town hall session, many athletes expressed their opinions that I consider important for us to resolve.

“Some of them said they had pain every month and there was no doctor, obstetrician or gynecologist here to consult them.

“We cannot expect coaches to give advice to athletes on this matter because they may not have enough knowledge about women’s health issues,” she told reporters after visiting the clinic here today.

With the establishment of the clinic, ISN also appointed a visiting obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr Jerilee Azhary, and a permanent doctor, Dr Wan Nadiah Zainab Wan Azman, to care for and provide medical services to the national athletes.

Among the services provided are consultations, health checks, external referrals and women’s health education sessions.

The clinic, which has been operational since October 4, operates every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In another development, Hannah also congratulated national professional men’s singles player Lee Zii Jia on his victory at the 2023 Arctic Open championship in Vantaa, Finland, defeating compatriot Ng Tze Yong 21-14, 21-15 in the final, on Sunday past.

“Congratulations to Lee Zii Jia for being able to bounce back and win a title after a long hiatus,” he said. — Bernama