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Cecile Richards: ‘Politicians, judges making decisions about women’s health’ is a ‘slippery slope’

Cecile Richards, co-chair of American Bridge and former Planned Parenthood president, joins Andrea Mitchell to weigh in on the …


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35 thoughts on “Cecile Richards: ‘Politicians, judges making decisions about women’s health’ is a ‘slippery slope’”

  1. As pregnancy is the production of a new human, and the basic tenant of Communism is "state control of the means of production", would it be correct that anti-abortion laws are communist?

  2. Andea Mitchell. The purveyor of lies, misinformation, and censorship.

    While there situations where an abortion may be warranted, medical issues, victim of a sexual attack. Abortion should not be a get out jail card for irresponsible behavior. There is contraception for that.

  3. Funny how now leftists and MSNPC do t want politicians deciding medical choices, when they spend 3 years being anti science and pushing the covid lies

  4. People have been trying to force their beliefs on others since the beginning of time. THIS IS NOT ABOUT SAVING CHILDREN (see gun laws) THIS IS ABOUT CONTROLLING WOMEN !!!

  5. Christo-Fascists are real and they hate women. They hate everyone, but their own circlejerk of Christo-Fascists.
    The problem that they have is that women are 50% of the US population, which makes it VERY apparent that the ''Land of the Free'' is a dark and cynical joke.

  6. If the state is going to force women to give birth, they should be providing 100% of prenatal care for free. The people voting for these policies should be prepared to pay for it with higher taxes. The orphanages and foster care system are also going to need extra funding to keep up with all of the unfit parents losing their children and unwanted children who get dumped. You're voting for a increase in human suffering, for both unwilling mothers and unwanted children.

  7. Planned Parenthood . Not that's an oxymoron . Nothing is planned and they are not planning to be parents .. Same with Abortion Healthcare .. It definitely isn't for the health of the child in the womb ..

  8. This is always the case. It is always the case of politicians and judges. Make decisions about almost every aspect of our lives. There is nothing new here. Happens all the time.

  9. I am still flabbergasted how it is possible that one, just the one, judge can make such a major and important decision for the whole country. I see the cases around Trump bouncing from judge to judge, see cases being appealed till the Supreme Court and in this one judge, a male ( and even worse a Trump appointed male) can have this amount of power over half of the US population. Its frigging nuts

  10. 🦆 "Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." Harry S Truman. Sadly, this is the current state of affairs in our nation.

  11. 🦆 We now know that Democrats working in our government Demanded the suspension of over 250,000 accounts on Twitter including accounts of journalists violating Americas first amendment rights over and over and over. The Democrat voters don't care even though they constantly repeat " No one is above the law " …except the Lawmakers and law enforcement. "Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." Harry S Truman. Sadly, this is the current state of affairs in our nation.

  12. It's easier for women to prevent an unwanted pregnancy than for them to have an abortion, doesn't obamacare cover birth control?

  13. I think I've been shadowbanned on Twitter. My last Tweet was: "If progressives, liberals, and more rational Republicans violated the wildly upopular MAGA fascist and religio-fascist laws en masse, those laws would not be standing for long. Break the law; save democracy".

  14. It is not a slippery slope. It is what has been happening all along.
    BTW: I have given this a great deal of thought, and literally every human behavior is in fact a slippery slope. There is not one human behavior that is safe from going too far. When people assert that particular phrase, I tune them out, because it is a dialectic tool used by manipulators.

  15. Cialis, Viagra and Rogaine are all blood pressure medications, that are used for off label uses. If this judgement is allowed to stand, then men should not be granted use of these medications for ED or male pattern baldness. Fair is fair.

  16. How can one unelected district judge unilaterally ban a medication for 360 million people? This is not only undemocratic—it’s not even a republic.

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