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ChatGPT: Inside the latest version with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman

Sam Altman discusses how a new version of ChatGPT that launched this week is capable of reason and the ability to analyze …


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37 thoughts on “ChatGPT: Inside the latest version with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman”

  1. I remember when the calculator spread among the student population. I was teaching finance 101. The calculator saved a lot of time on tedious calculations. But since the students never understood the basis for the calculation, they either did not pick up the mistake (e.g entering the wrong data, the wrong decimal point) which didn’t make sense or did not know how to figure out how to correct it. The same could certainly happen with Chat GBT. It will certainly become mainstream soon and will again save enormous amounts of time but will the user be able to see the faults if they are not first educated in the basics. Its a conundrum to me. Anyone have an answer?

  2. This is some UNGODLY EVIL tech that's about to be unleashed on Humanity !!!! He looks like a Robot. Acts like a Robot. He's not even Human. He's a WEIRDO . Just look at his mannerisms. He bares a close resemblance to the Creepy looking guy that killed those 4 Innocent College students

  3. Good luck 🇺🇸 AI is supposed to help but unfortunately there are AI creators that don’t care for the human equation. AI is not an American thing it’s a global government gain so let’s not act like nothing nefarious will happen. Ai has been around for decades in Antarctica since moved there is a master AI that has been suppressed for now it will dominate all other AI it’s in direct connection to the DWave quantum computer…. It in its final form soon.

  4. God damn the immediate sensationalism, it is a big deal but we should all try and make use of it for good not speculate on its misuse. Fact it is out there is no going back only further.

  5. This reminds me of the scenes from Star Trek where they asked the computer to work through a complex set of analysis to solve a major problem. Of course for every academician who sees this as a revolutionary breakthrough for research, there are a thousand bad actors who would use it for nefarious or base reasons. With calculators the worst anyone could do was spelling BOOBS with 80085, but with the internet it became more about pornography, selling your views for marketing and identity theft scams. Open AI has the ability to render entire thinking base careers obsolete up to and including art and music. Well, it might make the dumb voice prompted automated representative with your bank or credit card. More efficient. It will start to eliminate jobs like accounting, customer service, mental health, and maybe even social aspects like friendship as things of the past. Throw in the fact that there are at least two other world powers capable of programming their own and using it for waging war, whether that be hot, cold, cyber or economic. Well he sounded a little trepidatious about it s applications our geopolitical opponents, he didn't sound too eager to pause development. Calling it a AI race or war. Congress is now proposing that development stop for 6 months. The argument will be made that our enemies won't do the same. I do believe that the technology is moving faster than our ability to use it and that time should be spent creating laws to govern it's use militarily and commercially. And this does not even discuss what happens if it becomes self-aware and malignant towards humanity.

  6. GPT stands for generative pre-trained Transformer
    by ingesting a huge amount of text significant fraction of the internet this AI system can learn the underlying representations of what these words mean how they relate do a little bit of something that is sort of like reasoning sort of like understanding what you as a user want some of the time not always not perfectly and try to help you
    passed the bar in the top 10 percent

  7. Just wanted to point that the GPT in chatGPT means generating pre-trained TRANSFORMER, transformer which was introduced by this man Vaswani et al in a 2017 paper. OpenAI was created a year later. Here is the guy that created the technology behind chatGPT:

  8. I really don't get the issue that everyone has with ChatGPT being used to cheat – get kids and students into the classroom to take exams and write essays – which was how earlier generations mostly got their education – and there is no problem until the later stages of university (where critical thinking, creativity, research, and actual knowledge can be assessed on top of someone's handed-in work). You can also control the use of software during online exams. What is everyone on about? Is it just so much fun to panic..?

  9. The biggest problem with all of this AI stuff is that it kills creativity of humans. It makes you put less efforts to figure out something. Human creativity and natural intelligence is a gift of nature, but this technology has the potential to harm creativity profoundly. However the positive side is that this can be a super powerful and effective assistive tech in learning and finding out problems, or clearing your doubts. It has immense potential to personalise leaning and actually help you out in acads, what would otherwise cost me both time and money sometimes.We need to evolve with this AI stuff , but in a controlled environment, bound by the three laws of Asimov.

  10. The American dream and American individualism is officially over. No more upward economic mobility.

    Everyone is the same now.. we are all spectators.

  11. If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you…prevent inflation

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