A landlord has been fined for allowing a family to live in a substandard property with serious hazards including damp and mould.
Olaseni George was convicted for failing to comply with an improvement notice under Section 30 of the Housing Act 2004.
Peterborough magistrates heard that in January 2024, the city council received a complaint about ongoing disrepair at property in Peterborough.
The home – housing two adults and two children – was inspected and found to contain damp and mould growth in the bedrooms, whilst the first floor bathroom had no hot water.
The landlord was served an improvement notice for the disrepair and detailed remedial action needed. However, at a recent inspection, it was found that the work requested had not been completed and no communication was received from George.
George did not attend the court hearing but was convicted in his absence and fined £2,500, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £1,000 and council costs of £500.
A council spokesperson says: “I’m confident that this prosecution will serve as a warning to the small minority of landlords who put their tenants at risk and flout the law. Landlords play an essential role in providing safe, warm and healthy homes to the residents of Peterborough.
“Whenever we are made aware of landlords breaching the law we will look to take enforcement action under the range of powers available to us.
“We would also point out to landlords who are unsure of their responsibilities to please contact our housing team who are always happy to advise.”
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