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How Nvidia Grew From Gaming To A.I. Giant, Now Powering ChatGPT

Thirty years ago, Taiwan immigrant Jensen Huang founded Nvidia with the dream of revolutionizing PCs and gaming with 3D …

41 thoughts on “How Nvidia Grew From Gaming To A.I. Giant, Now Powering ChatGPT”

  1. I immediacy lost respect to this CEO when he is not wearing suits on the video interview. He is showing bad example for all generations on how to dress properly. If he can't even dress, how we expect him to do a job in Nvidia, how the hell hired him?

  2. It's interesting how ignorant news media is when a trillion dollar corporation has to talk to their interviewers like they're a small child. Is it so hard for them to read a Wikipedia article before wasting his time?

  3. I have no much use for chatGPT… I played twice with it as a gimmick. I prefer to do my own research. It as quite amazing and fun, but that is all… I need to fill up my fridge, enough of metashit, rendering, Blockchain, nft… And all these useless stuff… The world and nature is beautiful, and this is what human beings need.

  4. “Commercial Artificial Intelligence” implementations (i.e., Enterprise-wide, mature instantiations) will be very bad for global and local economies, easily replacing all workers, including designers, architects, programmers, analysts, writers, accountants, testing and diagnostics, etc, etc, etc. – ALL (expensive) white collar jobs are the soonest at risk.

    CEO’s will MAKE millions being the first to quickly replace all workforce ASAP, starting in the next 12-18 months, as AI “utilities”, then full-blown AI systems and deployments become ubiquitous.

    It will occur very quickly in the USA. Even CEO’s will be replaced.

    Simply put: Using existing corporate data stores and database systems, in the next 12-18 months AI will re-engineer whole economies. Changes will then be implemented, effecting whole market sectors, literally, over night.

    Only low level, manual labor skills will be highly coveted but, as the global economy crashes, the result will be scaled down work forces everywhere.

    In the USA, it will become very violent, as ignorant people CONTINUE to lose their jobs with no place to turn for work.

    Putin’s wartime exit strategy is based on this collapse to protect his insanity.
    Xi will sit back and observe, allowing Kim Jong Un to act as a chess board pawn. Kim Jong Un is an angry psychopath, worse than Putin.

    I’m sorry, again. But this is too important NOT to inform you, as I care about and cherish our ALL humanity.

  5. Nice to know that our AI masters will at least provide us some awesome video games before they decide to annihilate us from the face of the earth.

  6. Just got me an AMD 6800 XT GPU at a really good price with three Benjamin’s as prices are slowly falling back to earth. That to replace my Nvidia GTX 1080 I’ve now been using in my gaming rig for 7 long years. Bye Bye Nvidia, I’m not saving more by buying more at crazy GPU prices. Still interesting what happens with AI. Be watching.

  7. Yes ok. But nothing happen with the price so nothing happen… its all useless no matter what smart contracts or usecases the price still sucks

  8. Are you worried about the future of work? I'm presenting a case study on the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce. Get to find out whether or not AI will take your job! As the world becomes more and more automated, it's important to learn about the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce. I'm presenting a case study on the impact of AI on the workforce.

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