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How To Use Chat GPT by Open AI For Beginners

Looking to get more out of ChatGPT? Get my free E-Book with 250 Beginner Use Cases: In this tutorial, …

35 thoughts on “How To Use Chat GPT by Open AI For Beginners”

  1. I cannot sign up because it keeps asking me to place a "train" into "point of coordinates" in the picture on the left. It is not clear what it means and I am obviously getting it wrong.

  2. I just tried it last night. I own a hobby store video and a YouTube channel, so I asked it some business questions and how to make videos to target all those different YouTube demographics like age and gender. Within less than a second, GTP had 10 answers to each of my individual questions. I was amazed…and i copied the answers into quite a few Word Document files! I can't wait to see what happens when I implement these suggestions!

  3. Using Chat GPT by OpenAI for beginners is quite straightforward! Simply start by typing your question or statement in plain English, and the AI model will generate a response based on the information it has been trained on. It's designed to assist with a wide range of topics and can provide helpful information, suggestions, or engage in conversation.

  4. I remember during 90s there was this tvshow with and old whitelady as computer…….the guy from the future used talk to it to solve whateva he was doing,….dont remember the shows name

  5. I came here looking for a solution and did not find what I was hoping. In fact, I don't believe there is a solution.
    I had no problem creating an account at openai. But before I would be allowed to access the account, I am required to give it my MOBILE phone number. Not just any functioning phone number. You are required to receive a verification code via a smartphone, which I do not possess.
    Every other account I have, from banking to shopping to government accounts provide alternative methods to verify accounts. Seems OpenAI is behind the curve.

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