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Ozzy Man Reviews: Parenting

Here’s me commentary on parenting. Might post Dad adventures on Instagram:


Mama bear help cub

Baby Joey refusing to grow up

Baby Swan’s riding on Mum


Polar bear momma trying to sleep

Cat protects baby

Penguin Dad looking after egg while mum’s at work

Titus the silverback with baby boy

Human family on couch

Music via Audio Network.

43 thoughts on “Ozzy Man Reviews: Parenting”

  1. That guy who did virtually nothing to stop his dog from attacking that kitten (on deeper inspection, it looks like he did nothing at all), I hope he gets attacked by a dog, or his own dog attacks him, or a bigger, more rabid dog attacks his dog.
    Something, anything, so long as it is in the same vein and he knows exactly what it feels like.
    Oh, and hope no own does a thing to help him, or virtually nothing anyway.

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