Here’s me commentary on parenting. Might post Dad adventures on Instagram:
Mama bear help cub
Baby Joey refusing to grow up
Baby Swan’s riding on Mum
Polar bear momma trying to sleep
Cat protects baby
Penguin Dad looking after egg while mum’s at work
Titus the silverback with baby boy
Human family on couch
Music via Audio Network.
i wanna visit australia just to see those cute kangaroos
Too much cussing. You can't watch this with kids around!
The penguins was showing their babies to the each other. That's really cool
1:12 mom mom look at me I don’t need you! Waahahaa
I like the thought of watching shitty American political ads for the express purpose of trying to help out Ozzy Man
1:01 If a look could kill…..
You just described my kids!
Australia’s answer to David Attenborough.
That was the best! You need to do a hour long one! It made me laugh and feel good about the whole world!
The cat recognised the dog as the threat and not the human, wow….
Oi dad

Honestly love you're videos mate, they brighten my day.
Oi dhad dad dhad
So relaxing
Thank you ozzy man
Love you bearded basted
That baby gorilla and that silverback was like me and my dad lol
DAD DAD DAD… Yeah, get used to that. Thanks for the videos!!!

Fuckin hell! My names Titus! When you were narrating gorrlia jr. and called out "TITUS" I spat my coffee
Such fine humor 1!!

Lmao the bear pick the baby up by the top of its head not even the scruff of its neck
If you want to be a parent, try to be pacience
Like your new video thank you for shaving your head did the same for my mom who went to the breast cancer. Thank you very much she really likes you.
Aww the softer side of ozz.
I love the cat and the bear too. Love them all
Yeah Nah Yeah !!
Incredible ending

The little gorilla yelling “DAD!DAD!DAD!DAD!” Is something that I hate that I can relate to.
That guy who did virtually nothing to stop his dog from attacking that kitten (on deeper inspection, it looks like he did nothing at all), I hope he gets attacked by a dog, or his own dog attacks him, or a bigger, more rabid dog attacks his dog.
Something, anything, so long as it is in the same vein and he knows exactly what it feels like.
Oh, and hope no own does a thing to help him, or virtually nothing anyway.
1:36 I'm proud of you, little guy!

Mums reaction not so good even though the baby was in sight on her left hand side
Dads reaction brilliant
and he was half asleep 

0:14 that dogowner should be executed for letting its rat of a dog attack a little innocent kitten.
i was eating soup when you said "this is one of those families that don't believe in contraception". I am now cleaning my laptop.
Dad… dad… dad
Oh yea, just wait
me and Ozzy man share the same thought… " I can't imagine having 2 kids right now" Welcome to parenting hood Ozzy Man
All round?
Why is there a camera in that family's living room?
That horrible jerk who just let his dog attack a harmless kitten. Ugh.
Wow! That mummy black cat had an amazing quick reaction! Sleeping man with his doughter also! Funny vid anyway!
Can I get through an Ozzy Man video without laughing until I’m crying? Apparently not!
Joey or Sheila ? “They don’t know yet” is an insta, but painful, unsub.
wish my two were babies again
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