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This is the third consecutive year that sia has surveyed staffing firms about their use of third-party vendors – Engaging Piece

The Value of Utilizing Third-Party Vendors in the Staffing Industry


As the staffing industry continues to evolve and adapt to changing market dynamics, the use of third-party vendors has become an integral part of many staffing firms’ strategies. According to a recent survey conducted by sia, this trend has been growing consistently over the past few years. In fact, 2021 marks the third consecutive year that sia has surveyed staffing firms about their use of third-party vendors.

The Growing Trend of Using Third-Party Vendors

The survey conducted by sia revealed some interesting insights into the staffing industry’s reliance on third-party vendors. Here are some key findings:

  1. The majority of staffing firms (78%) reported using third-party vendors to supplement their internal resources and capabilities.
  2. Out of these firms, 65% stated that their use of third-party vendors has increased over the past year.
  3. When asked about the reasons for using third-party vendors, the most common responses were:
  • Access to specialized skills or expertise (44%)
  • Cost savings (35%)
  • Improved operational efficiency (21%)

Benefits of Utilizing Third-Party Vendors

There are several benefits for staffing firms that choose to partner with third-party vendors:

  1. Access to Specialized Skills: By working with third-party vendors, staffing firms can tap into a diverse pool of specialized skills and expertise that may not exist within their own organization. This allows them to provide their clients with a wider range of services and solutions.
  2. Cost Savings: Engaging third-party vendors can be a cost-effective solution for staffing firms. Instead of investing in additional resources and infrastructure, they can leverage the capabilities of vendors who are already equipped to handle specific tasks or projects.
  3. Operational Efficiency: By outsourcing certain functions to third-party vendors, staffing firms can streamline their internal operations and focus on their core competencies. This leads to improved efficiency and productivity.

Going Beyond Outsourcing

While outsourcing is a common practice in the staffing industry, utilizing third-party vendors goes beyond simply delegating tasks to external partners. It involves building strategic partnerships and collaborative relationships that add value to the firm’s overall operations.

Here are some ways in which staffing firms can maximize the benefits of working with third-party vendors:

  1. Establish Clear Communication Channels: Effective communication is essential for seamless collaboration between staffing firms and their third-party vendors. Regular updates, feedback sessions, and open lines of communication help to build trust and enhance the partnership.
  2. Define Clear Expectations: Clearly defining expectations and deliverables is crucial for successful collaboration. This includes setting realistic timelines, outlining performance metrics, and establishing service level agreements.
  3. Invest in Vendor Relationship Management: Building strong relationships with third-party vendors requires an investment of time and effort. Staffing firms should proactively manage their vendor relationships by conducting regular performance reviews, providing feedback, and addressing any issues or concerns promptly.
  4. Monitor and Measure Performance: Regularly monitoring and measuring the performance of third-party vendors is essential to ensure that they are meeting the agreed-upon standards. This can be done through performance scorecards, client feedback surveys, and periodic audits.


The use of third-party vendors has become a strategic imperative for staffing firms looking to stay competitive in today’s dynamic market. By leveraging the specialized skills, cost savings, and operational efficiencies that third-party vendors bring, staffing firms can enhance their service offerings and deliver exceptional value to their clients.

The survey conducted by sia highlights the growing trend of utilizing third-party vendors in the staffing industry. With an increasing number of firms recognizing the benefits and value that these vendors provide, it is evident that this trend is set to continue in the coming years.

As the market continues to evolve, staffing firms must adapt and embrace this trend to stay ahead of the competition. By forging strong partnerships and effectively managing their relationships with third-party vendors, staffing firms can position themselves for long-term success and growth.

Remember, success in the staffing industry is not just about finding the right talent for clients; it’s also about leveraging the right resources and capabilities to deliver exceptional results. Third-party vendors can play a crucial role in helping staffing firms achieve this goal.

So, if you’re a staffing firm considering the use of third-party vendors, now is the time to take the plunge. Embrace this growing trend and unlock the numerous benefits and opportunities it presents. Your clients, your business, and your bottom line will thank you.


The use of third-party vendors in the staffing industry is on the rise, according to a survey conducted by sia. The majority of staffing firms report using third-party vendors to supplement their internal resources, and most firms have seen an increase in their use of third-party vendors over the past year. The main reasons cited for using third-party vendors are accessing specialized skills, cost savings, and improved operational efficiency.

Utilizing third-party vendors can provide staffing firms with several benefits, including access to a wider range of specialized skills, cost savings, and improved operational efficiency. To maximize the benefits of working with third-party vendors, staffing firms should establish clear communication channels, define clear expectations, invest in vendor relationship management, and regularly monitor and measure performance.

As the staffing industry continues to evolve, utilizing third-party vendors has become a strategic imperative for staying competitive. By embracing this trend and effectively managing vendor relationships, staffing firms can enhance their service offerings and deliver exceptional value to clients.


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“This is the third consecutive year that sia has surveyed staffing firms about their use of third-party vendors,” said Jon Osborne, vice president of strategic research and…
