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The Battle for Survival: Israeli Democracy’s Fight for Freedom!

The Battle for Israeli Democracy: Threats to Supreme Court and Power Grab


In recent times, the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been seeking to consolidate power and undermine the Supreme Court, leading to concerns about the future of Israeli democracy. This article examines the limitations on government power, the threats to democracy, and the potential consequences of these actions. It also highlights the resistance movement that has emerged and the implications for Israeli society and the region as a whole.

The Power of Checks and Balances

In strong democracies, a system of checks and balances is crucial to prevent the abuse of power. Israel, however, lacks many of these mechanisms, such as a constitution, an upper house of parliament, and a federal structure. The Supreme Court stands as the main remaining check on government power, making it a primary target for the Netanyahu government’s power consolidation efforts.

By passing a series of laws that aim to neutralize the Supreme Court, the government seeks to gain unlimited power. This move raises concerns about the potential discrimination against marginalized groups and the erosion of democratic values. Without the Supreme Court’s oversight, the government could enact policies that target Arab, women, LGBTQ+, and secular communities.

The Threat to Democracy

The intentions of the Netanyahu coalition are no secret. They openly boast about their disregard for democratic principles, believing that winning elections grants them unlimited power. However, democracy is not simply about the majority having unlimited control. It guarantees certain freedoms and rights to all individuals, protecting them from the tyranny of the majority.

The establishment of a Jewish supremacist ideology within the ruling coalition further compounds the threats to Israeli democracy. This ideology seeks to annex Palestinian territories without granting Palestinian citizenship and even dreams of destroying the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, one of the holiest sites in Islam, to build a new Jewish temple. The presence of such extreme ideologies within the government raises concerns about the future direction of Israel and its impact on regional stability.

The Resistence Movement

Thankfully, a powerful resistance movement has emerged to safeguard Israeli democracy. Rejecting the ideology of Jewish supremacy, hundreds of thousands of Israelis are taking to the streets in non-violent protests, demonstrations, and acts of resistance.

Even army reservists, including air force pilots, cyber warfare experts, and elite unit commanders, have publicly declared that they will not serve a dictatorship. They are willing to be furloughed if judicial reform continues, highlighting their commitment to democracy over blind loyalty to the government.

The protest movement extends beyond the military, with universities, unions, high-tech companies, and other private companies threatening strikes in response to undemocratic policies. The unity and determination of the protesters demonstrate their understanding of the potential damage to the country and their willingness to fight to save Israeli democracy.

The Consequences and Concerns

The erosion of Israeli democracy not only affects Israeli citizens but also has wider implications for regional stability. The rise of messianic religious fanatics within the ruling coalition raises concerns about the potential escalation of conflicts and the impact on international relations.

In addition, the actions of the Israeli government have already led to negative economic consequences. As the Start-Up Nation reputation declines, global investors are withdrawing their support. The internal damage is equally troubling, as fear and hate permeate society, resulting in strained relations between different sectors.

The government’s response to the protests is also alarming, with members branding protesters and army reservists as “traitors” and advocating for the use of force to crush opposition. The dissent and tensions within Israel raise concerns about the possibility of a civil war if the situation deteriorates.

The Call to Action

The hundreds of thousands of people protesting in the streets believe that they have no choice but to stand up for Israeli democracy. Their duty extends not only to themselves but also to upholding Jewish traditions and values and safeguarding humanity at large.

In this critical moment, Israelis are recognizing the necessity of their actions and the potential impact on the future of their country. The resistance they are showing is not a military coup but a peaceful stand against undemocratic practices.

As the battle for Israeli democracy continues, it remains to be seen whether the movement can bring about meaningful change or if the government’s power consolidation efforts will prevail.

Additional Insights

Expanding on the topic at hand, it is essential to understand the historical context and the mindset that drives the power consolidation efforts in Israel. This deeper exploration offers unique insights into the complexities of the situation.

The Historical Context

Israel’s political landscape has been shaped by its unique history and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Understanding this history can provide valuable insights into the motivations behind the Netanyahu government’s actions and its supporters’ perspectives.

Key historical events include the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the subsequent Arab-Israeli wars, and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These events have fueled nationalist sentiments and the belief in a Jewish homeland, which has in turn influenced the political ideologies and policies of successive Israeli governments.

Perspective of Israeli Supporters

Engaging with supporters of the Netanyahu government can shed light on their viewpoints and the factors that drive their unwavering support. While some may hold extreme ideologies, it is important to understand their motivations and concerns to foster a more nuanced conversation.

Many Netanyahu supporters feel that their democratic mandate entitles them to implement their vision for Israel, undeterred by perceived obstacles or limitations. They may see any restrictions on government power as undemocratic, believing that only through unchecked authority can Israel achieve security and prosperity.

Furthermore, supporters may perceive threats to Jewish identity and security, leading them to prioritize the interests of the Jewish people over other considerations. This perspective, though controversial, arises from a deep-rooted desire to ensure the survival and strength of the Jewish state.


The battle for Israeli democracy intensifies as the Netanyahu government aims to consolidate power and undermine the Supreme Court. Threats to marginalized communities, the rise of Jewish supremacists, and potential consequences for regional stability have sparked a powerful resistance movement. Israelis from various sectors, including the military, universities, and private industries, are united in their commitment to safeguarding democracy. However, the government’s response and the potential economic and social damage raise concerns about the path Israel is heading down. Understanding the historical context and engaging with supporters’ perspectives provides valuable insights into the complexities of the situation. In this critical moment, it is crucial to support the fight for Israeli democracy and foster informed discussions to navigate the challenges ahead.


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The writer is a historian, philosopher and author.

To understand events in Israel, there is only one question to ask: what limits the power of the government? Strong democracies are based on a whole system of checks and balances. But Israel lacks a constitution, an upper house of parliament, a federal structure, or any other checks on government power except for one: the Supreme Court. This Monday, the Netanyahu government plans to pass the first in a series of laws that will neutralize the Supreme Court. If you succeed, you will gain unlimited power.

Members of the Netanyahu coalition have already revealed their intention to pass laws and implement policies that discriminate against Arabs, women, LGBTQ people, and secular people. Once the Supreme Court is out of the way, nothing will be left to stop them. In such a situation, the government could also rig future elections, for example by banning Arab parties from participating, a step previously proposed by coalition members. Israel will continue to hold elections, but they will become an authoritarian ritual rather than a free democratic contest.

Members of the government openly boast about their intentions. They explain that since they won the last Israeli elections, it means that now they can do whatever they want. Like other authoritarian forces, the Israeli government does not understand what democracy means. He thinks that it is a dictatorship of the majority, and that those who win democratic elections get unlimited power. I have spoken to many Netanyahu supporters in recent months and they sincerely believe that any restriction on an elected government is undemocratic. “What do you mean we can’t take people’s basic freedoms away?” they say. “But we won the elections! That means we can do whatever we want!” In fact, democracy means freedom and equality for all. Democracy is a system that guarantees all people certain freedoms, which not even the majority can take away.

The establishment of a dictatorship in Israel would have serious consequences not only for Israeli citizens. The ruling coalition is led by messianic religious fanatics who believe in an ideology of Jewish supremacy. This calls for annexing the occupied Palestinian territories to Israel without granting Palestinians citizenship, and ultimately dreams of destroying the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, one of the holiest sites in Islam, and building a new Jewish temple in its place.

Jewish supremacy is not a fringe notion. It is represented in the coalition by the Jewish Power party and the Religious Zionism party. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (of the latter) has recently called on wipe out an entire Palestinian city in retaliation for the murder of two Jewish settlers.

Men like Smotrich now control one of the world’s most formidable military machines, armed with advanced cybernetic and nuclear weapons. For decades, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has waged a campaign to prevent Iran from going nuclear, warning the world of the dangers posed by a fundamentalist regime with nuclear capabilities. Now Netanyahu is establishing exactly that regime in Israel. This could set the entire Middle East on fire, with consequences that will ripple far beyond the region. It would be incredibly stupid of Israel to do such a thing, but as we learned from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we should never underestimate human stupidity. It is one of the most powerful forces in history.

The good news is that a powerful resistance movement has emerged in recent months to save Israeli democracy. Rejecting the ideology of Jewish supremacy and connecting with the ancient traditions of Jewish tolerance, hundreds of thousands of Israelis are demonstrating, protesting and resisting in every non-violent way we know of. Since Friday, more than 10,000 army reservists, including hundreds of air force pilots, cyber warfare experts and elite unit commanders, have publicly declared that they will not serve a dictatorship and will therefore be furloughed if judicial reform continues. By this Tuesday, the notorious Israeli air force, which relies heavily on reservists, may be partially grounded.

To appreciate the magnitude of this step, it is worth remembering that military service is a sacred duty for many Israelis. In a country that rose from the ashes of the Holocaust and has faced existential threats for decades, the military has always been off limits to political controversy. This is not the case. Former heads of the Israeli army, air force and security services have publicly called on soldiers to stop serving. Veterans of Israel’s many wars say this is the most important fight of their lives. The Netanyahu government tries to present this as a military coup, but it is the exact opposite. Israeli soldiers are not taking up arms to oppose the government, they are laying them down. They explain that their contract is with Israeli democracy, and once democracy expires, so does their contract.

The feeling that the social contract has been broken has also led universities, unions, high-tech companies and other private companies to threaten more strikes if the government continues its undemocratic takeover. Israelis understand the potential damage to our country. As the so-called Start-Up Nation is shutting down, investors from all over the world are pulling money out. Internal damage is even greater. Fear and hate now dominate relations between different sectors of society, as the social contract falls apart. Government members call the protesters and army reservists “traitors” and demand that force be used to crush the opposition. Israelis are concerned that we may be days away from a civil war.

But the hundreds of thousands of people protesting in the streets feel that we have no other choice. It is our duty to ourselves, to Jewish tradition, and to humanity to prevent the rise of a Jewish supremacist dictatorship. We are standing in the streets, because we cannot do otherwise if we want to save Israeli democracy.
