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Myron, you're 100% feminine male. You need to be checked. And fkd up the azz
Well…it’s not necessarily that they like to do it but like…. how in hell do you think they became successful? All the traits described are almost necessary for a highly successful career
He's dated 'so many' successfull women

She immediately disagrees with him and challenges the authority haha
This guy is a man-baby sometimes
We all had success relationships…Not currently married….NOT SUCCESSFUL.
Some one give him a new bottle of Hennesy
You can’t make this shit up!!

I’m with the fellow wearing the red cap on this one.
They fear losing control.
"I feel like……." is your problem
What's wrong with her lips? Is she having a reaction to peanuts or something? I hope someone has an epi pen.
U can see clearly she has an opinion
However, you are not with them anymore so…..
This guy does some waffling man
What is this toxic crap?" Women have to be checked, women challenge your authority". What fucking authority? If we are two humans in a relationship, we share authority, we both compromise. This is sooo toxic
Why are men so intimidated with succecful women? Why are they nit trying to be on her level? Instead of putting us down?
successfull is a matter of perspective. having a great career for a woman is no success in my book. It is failure in development to a great wife and mother.
Lol she’s proving him right as he sits there speaking. While she doesn’t AGREE with him
. These woman are so clueless.
Him- I have dated successful woman. They like to tell you they are successful, they are non agreeable,
. Do these woman really
They challenge you authority
Her- immediately starts shaking her head no
No notice. When they immediately make these guys point valid. It happens all the time in these pod casts.
It’s because woman these days don’t sit down shut up and listen. They use emotion and feelings in everything.
It's NOT intimidation, it's ANNOYANCE!
Everything you do is ELECTIVE! I don't give a fuck about your career, it doesn't mean shit to me, just like you don't give a shit about:
What a man wants
How a man feels
What he's interested in
What his expectations are
His past
His trauma
His friends
His job
His opinion
We know the game, you ONLY care about yourself, and your offspring.
Yes they love telling you how awesome they are everyday I just kicked one to the curb its disgusting
“I don’t believe I ever need to be checked I’m fairly agreeable” and in the same sentence “I’ve had a lot of relationships they ended bc we couldn’t agree on certain things” yikes nothing going on in that brain
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