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Top 10 All-Time MotoGP™ Battles! ⚔️ | GP1000

Grand Prix legends are made out there on the track, in last lap battles that stand the test of time! We can tell you right now, …

37 thoughts on “Top 10 All-Time MotoGP™ Battles! ⚔️ | GP1000”

  1. There have been so many incredible battles throughout the history of MotoGP but which one stands out most to you and is your favourite? Let us know 👇

  2. When you watch how many times Marquez was able to ask way too much of the front (let's ignore the ludicrous lunges/make room or I'm slamming into you/we're both going wide 'passes') you realise why Marquez wouldn't swap teams. Now Honda have a front that's unable to allow such punishment with increased speeds, much like every other manufacturer. We see Marquez crashing again and again and again . What exacerbates things is that riders no longer make room for the lunge they know is coming or allow him through to avoid contact (obviously because they've learnt OFF him and their teams expect that same commitment) so he makes contact far too often and is now involved in multi rider crashes where once they'd have given him the inside and tried an unlikely cut back. Marquez overly aggressive riding, when it's confronted by equally aggressive defence leaves us with a guy who's washed up at 28, crashes 3 tines minimum every weekend and is relying on his reputation to avoid the treatment Nakagami gets.
    The ultimate irony is that this is what Rossi, Dovi and others warned against. Allowing somebody to ride with ZERO respect for their competitors or the sport breeds a grid of riders who believe that's required and we see the crashes that's getting serious now we're 210+mph with ride height for lunacy corner speed entry/exit!!

  3. 4:205:23 when thinking of motogp battles i always think of this

    vale vs casey in laguna seca just never gets out of my mind, there’s just something special about how they went handlebar to handlebar, 1 of the iconic battles & rivalry in motogp history

    it was just awesome to watch, can never click away

    reason y the original video of that has 66,000,000 views rn

  4. Stoner était le seul a dompter la ducati
    Le seul ki pouvait aller chatouiller marquez Lorenzo ete hyper bon et régulier ROSSI LORENZO STONER MARQUEZ LES 4 MEILLEURS MS TOUS TRES DIFFERENTS

  5. Watching MotoGP since childhood, I was 7 when Rossi beats Stoner in Laguna Seca. Remember that race like it was yesterday. Great performance all those years by all of them 🙂

  6. It's the 2015 Assen TT. And it's Not Even Close. You did have 28 All-Time Battles to choose from in Rossi's Career just counting ones he won. But the 2015 Assen TT was the ONLY Time you get 2 Potential GOAT's, one in his prime, the other still just Barely in their prime, to go head to head in a race tat will Define their status against each other. And AS WELL, a Last Corner Pass. HOW ANYONE could say this wasn't the greatest race in MotoGP History, and maybe the Most Important and Greatest Race in Motorsports History, honestly, is beyond me.

  7. Si Mbah emang segitu luar biasanya, entah butuh berapa tahun lagi biar bisa nyaksiin rider kek dia muncul lagi👀
    Murid-muridnya emang udah pada mulai show up, tapi keknya ga bakal se mentereng guru mereka. Paling yg mendekati pencapaian si mbah tuh the one and only king bpjs, yg skrg lagi kek anjing tua pesakitan diantara para darah muda☠️

  8. No doubt today's MotoGP riders are legendary in their own way – but they do have advantages of high technology on their side.
    But just look at those guys who rode 300 kmph machines in the 1970s and 80s as well as early 90s! Just wowwww!
    Those old bikes had none of the techno-trickery of today's bikes! No rider assists – nothing…Those old bikes used to be referred to as "unrideables"! And yet these heroes rode them to the limits! The acceleration of 2-stroke bikes used to be very sudden and fierce – very tough to control!! So, people who had those close battles in the 2-stroke era were definitely something!
    This is not to dismiss the great competition provided by today's riders – they are super hard working – no doubt…

  9. Funnily, one of the greatest riders of all time – Mick Doohan – is not in these battles – because he used to be so far ahead of everyone else at the end – that it almost created a threat to the survival of MotoGP itself because for almost 5+ years, it felt like he was in his own zone and everybody fought only for the 2nd place!! That chap always came through irrespective of his qualifying position back in those days!!

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