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Thanks for the video Montae.
Thanks for the info, will definitely look into these herbs.
Good Information!!!
Great info, Monte, what is a good Protein Powder for Women? Thank you. Blessings.
Monte, Great information. Thanks for the exercise video. Have a wonderful day!!

Thanks Once Again Monte, You are really helping us ladies out and I do Appreciate it very much me Marilyn Keep it coming we have to grow together & help one Another 6-17-19

Thank you again Monte, especially for getting all this information for all of us women.
Years ago when i was a teen my grandma would always tell us not to be with a lot of men because all their dna lay in your body and their energy can make you crazy and you can get stds we would just laugh we thought she was just trying to keep us virgins for the next twenty years …this is the first im hearing that besides risks of stds multiple men have other negative medical effects on the female body and that it can weaken your immune system this was a very imformative video i learned something new today and as you always say do the research thanks for sharing
Hey Montae, what do you suggest for joint and muscle pain? I also need something for fatigue.
Thanks Monte
love and blessings.
Thanks cousin for the info…. The second one that you named …. I will do more research on it.
I may need to try it.
God Bless.
P, S, I like your dance
Monte you have really help us ladies understand how these herbs could be beneficially

Hello Monte
Thank you!!
This is a great video

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