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Is it REALLY too expensive to have children in Singapore? Are you unable to find ‘Mr. Right’? Will you regret not having children?
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men have become weak, women have become stuck-up karens thats why
freezing also need money right>
As children are seen as a burden by the younger generation
they donot have enough land
Having children for the sake of it's it's not the right way. We're nurturing another human not just having a meat sack to carry on the name or religion or expectations of your failed self, people should think it over many times and not just do it for a moment of pleasure to have a lifetime of regret.
I just don't like it when they call it 'egg'. Makes me feel like a chicken! It's ovum!!
Majority are career focused nowadays and also cost of living is high they need a man who can satisfy the 5C criteria. But everything becomes magical and priorities change when local ladies got chance with angmoh men
The WP leader is paid $400k salary to serve the people honestly and responsibly, but he ends up being investigated by the police for lying under oath. Many thanks to the police for keeping the country safe from immoral crooks.

Hey!! Sherms from ketchup
The system has made having children a LIABILITY

Human reap what they sow
Life is about making choices and sacrifices each has it pro and con.
Having eggs freezed is the easy part. Finding a life partner is very difficult as one ages

Everything cost MONEY

Cannot perform in bed, foreign women perform better
13 kids is crazy la. bigger than a football team
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