Recently, a strange case has come to light in which suddenly a woman’s tongue turned black and small hairs grew on it. This is very strange in itself but how did this happen? According to British Medical Journal Case Reports, in fact this 60-year-old woman was living with rectal cancer and her treatment started 14 months ago in Japan. To reduce the adverse effects of her chemotherapy, the woman was taking minocycline, which is used to treat everything from acne to pneumonia.
Woman became victim of ‘Black Hairy Tongue’
The doctors reported that the woman was given minocycline 100 mg/day to prevent panitumumab-induced skin lesions. We have come to understand that in some time due to its reaction, the tongue of the woman turned black and hair also came on it. Antibiotic reaction made the woman a victim of ‘Black Hairy Tongue (BHT)’. Not only did the woman’s tongue turn black, but her skin also turned grey.
When the doctors saw, they were surprised
According to the news of The Metro, first the doctors noticed that the woman’s face had turned gray. Then when the woman opened her mouth and showed her tongue, he was surprised, because the color of the woman’s tongue had turned black and it looked like hair. The doctors told that after all this we have changed the medicines of the woman and the condition is expected to improve.
this happened before
Significantly, a similar case came to the fore in America last year. Here a person came to know that a different kind of change is taking place in his tongue. Hair has grown on the tongue. It is getting blacker. There is a yellow color effect in the middle. But he is not feeling any pain. The relatives and doctors of that 50-year-old man were all surprised by this shocking condition. A thick layer of black color was visible on the top of the tongue. The effect of yellow was in the middle and back side of the tongue.
difficult to tolerate
The study regarding this was published in the journal JAMA Dermatology. Doctors studied this tongue and published all the reports about it in this journal. Doctors told that this person is suffering from Black Hairy Tongue Syndrome. The name may be creative, but the disease is painful to look at and tolerate. This disease can be caused by the side-effects of antibiotics. Or it can be due to dirt in the mouth, due to dry mouth, smoking or eating soft food.
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