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It's halirious but true…and it's downright frusterating that the world can be so biased
ron swanson!
ahahaha! Judd Nelson cracks me up!
Imight not agree with the views of this video but its fucking hilarious
Okay, so the video is pretty funny, but what got me ROLLING was the opposing "Put the CON in Contraception" advertisement that aired before the video
You cannot make some of this sh*t up 
im scared
The "CON- IS in contraception" in that the American *WOMEN VOTERS* are quickly realizing the con job that the Obama administration's been waging on them. Since the whole issue of what is an institution's right to (because of religious tenets) not be forced to allow contraceptives to be offered to its employees, & NOT any kind of a "war on women", this whole "war on women" B.S. is just a tactic to bury headlines of Obama's horrible economy & all-time seasonal high gas prices. Polls now prove it.
lolz this is the most intelligent thing i have seen all day XD
1:34 BOOBS !!
@ParanormalPansy I honestly have no idea.
This was AWESOME !
god the green screening wasnt great on this
why dont we ask a women what she thinks?? hahahhaaha
Uh…. I think I just watched a failed political video. It was more humorous than effective in getting it's underlying message out.
Leland Palmer makes some very convincing arguments.
49 people are gonna get a swift kick in the ass
This was a very intelligent video. It's refreshing. And it was funny. LIKE!
hahaha this is so fucking funny.
@NotADood have u never watched red foreman on that 70s show?
Better listen to Red or he'll put his foot in your ass
isnt that american president from Red Alert 2?
Red Foreman and Ron Swanson. Better run for your life.
@bohnstube this really is about religious freedom: women's freedom from being forced to abide by an employer's superstitions.
I really don't see the problem for catholics: they do whatever the fuck they want anyway and go to confession every once in a while when they feel a bit guilty.
These religious 'tards should keep their noses out of my girlfriend's vagina; that's my job.
Holy crap! It's President Dugan! (from red alert 2!)
GOD wouldn't have given women tummy pockets if he didn't want babies swimming around in them… CLASSIC!!!!!
I hope Parks and Recreation continues on for a very long time.
I HATED EVERY SECOND OF IT!! DAMN IT, I'm on my period! Jkjkjkjkjk! I thought it was hilarious!
Everyone says it's the president in red alert 2, but every time I see Ray Wise, I think of Dr. Alec Holland swanp thing
What kind of video is this?!?! i'm not here to learn i'm here to watch random shit this isn't school, its Youtube dammit! i quit it's way tooooo smart for me Now i know how women feel…….
Haha, robocop is a misogynist!
Judd Nelson = Badass.
lol yes im being completely sarcastic….or am i? haha jk
How deliciously ironic, the advertisement in the end is for Billy Graham!!!!
"Any woman who is angry about us making these decisions is probably just on their period. Gross." LOL i love you, Ron Swanson!
But you forgot to put a priest in there
Bcoz the are the ones that know more about vaginas!!!
Why are there so few women doctors ??
If you don't trust them, red is gonna put his foot in your ass
ok leland, I'm going to chalk that up to bob talking
Nobody knows more about vaginas than the Pope.
"Boobies! I'm practically a doctor!" xD
Nothing is more inspiring than watching the 70-year-old men running the GOP discuss women's health issues.
2018 speaking here: we laugh at this because it <i>is</i> funny, but the GOP – the party of, vastly, old white men – continues on both federal and state levels to push for medically unnecessary and completely unconstitutional laws and regulations that serve no purpose but to rob women of their bodily autonomy. A vote for a Republican is a vote against individual freedom.
Fallopian tubes
Confused as to why Ray Wise (an actor, I actually admire) would appear in this and then make God Is Not Dead 2.
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