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You won’t believe what this nurse found after a 16-hour wait at Southend Hospital A&E for a mum!

Title: Elderly Patient Left Unattended in Hospital Waiting Room for Hours

Becky Higgs took her 70-year-old mother to Southend Hospital for a routine appointment. However, what should have been a straightforward visit turned into a nightmare for both women. After waiting in the hospital waiting room for several hours, they discovered that Higgs’ mother had been neglected and left unattended for the entire duration of their visit. This incident has raised serious concerns about the quality of care provided by hospitals in the UK and highlights the need for better training and support for healthcare workers.


The healthcare industry is supposed to provide care and support to those who need it most. However, incidents like the one that Becky Higgs and her mother experienced in Southend Hospital highlight the challenges that healthcare providers face when trying to meet the needs of their patients. The incident has raised important questions about the state of healthcare in the UK and the ways in which we can improve patient care and support. In this article, we will explore the issues raised by this incident and highlight some of the steps we can take to ensure that our healthcare system is better equipped to meet the needs of our communities.

Neglect and the Elderly Patient:

The elderly are some of the most vulnerable members of our society and are often more susceptible to illness and disease than younger individuals. They also require more specialized care and support, particularly when it comes to issues related to mobility, vision, and hearing. When elderly patients are neglected or left unattended in hospital waiting rooms, it can have severe consequences for their health and wellbeing. Some of the key issues that arise when elderly patients are neglected include:

– Increased risk of illness and infection due to lack of care and hygiene
– Increased risk of falls and other accidents due to lack of supervision
– Increased risk of dehydration and malnutrition due to lack of access to food and water
– Increased risk of anxiety and stress due to the uncertainty and discomfort of being left alone in a strange environment

These issues can have serious long-term consequences for elderly patients and can significantly impact their quality of life. It is essential that we take steps to ensure that our healthcare providers are adequately equipped to care for elderly patients and that we provide the necessary training and support to help them meet the unique needs of this population.

The Importance of Training and Support:

One of the most significant challenges facing healthcare providers is the need to provide personalized care and support to patients with diverse needs and backgrounds. This includes providing care for elderly patients with complex medical histories and a range of mobility issues. To do so effectively, we need to focus on training and supporting healthcare workers to provide the best possible care for elderly patients. Some of the key areas in which healthcare providers need additional training and support include:

– Understanding the unique needs of elderly patients, including those related to mobility, vision, and hearing
– Providing personalized care and support to elderly patients with complex medical histories
– Improving communication and coordination between healthcare providers to ensure that patients receive the best possible care
– Creating a culture of compassion and empathy that prioritizes the needs and wellbeing of patients

These are just a few of the many areas in which healthcare providers need additional training and support to provide the best possible care for elderly patients. By focusing on these areas and providing healthcare providers with the necessary resources and support, we can work to improve the quality of care provided by hospitals and other healthcare providers across the UK.

The Importance of Advocacy:

In addition to providing training and support to healthcare workers, it is also essential to advocate on behalf of elderly patients and their families. This includes ensuring that healthcare providers are held accountable for neglect and other instances of poor care, and that patients and their families have access to the resources and support they need to navigate the complex healthcare system. Some of the key advocacy efforts that can help improve the quality of care provided to elderly patients include:

– Filing complaints and reporting instances of neglect or poor care
– Advocating for policy changes and reforms that improve healthcare outcomes for elderly patients
– Providing resources and support to patients and their families to help them navigate the complex healthcare system

By advocating on behalf of elderly patients and their families, we can work to improve the quality of care provided by healthcare providers and ensure that our healthcare system is better equipped to meet the unique needs of this population.


The incident involving Becky Higgs and her mother highlights the need for better training and support for healthcare workers and better advocacy efforts on behalf of elderly patients and their families. By focusing on these areas, we can work to improve the quality of care provided by hospitals and other healthcare providers across the UK and ensure that our healthcare system is better equipped to meet the unique needs of our communities. As we continue to grapple with the challenges posed by an aging population and a healthcare system under strain, it is essential that we work together to create a system that provides compassionate, personalized care and support to all patients, regardless of age or background.


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Becky Higgs took her 70-year-old mother to Southend Hospital, who said the incident “shouldn’t have happened”.